教育国际化力量认证大学,韩国政府邀请奖学金修学大学 教育部大学基础力量评估中被选为自律改善大学及大学革新支援企业(PILOT) 主要交流大学: 清华大学, 中国人民大学, 兰州大学,西南政法大学, 华中农业大学, 东北师范大学等30多所
招生名额: 每学期15名左右
授予学位: 法学硕士/法学博士° 课程年限: 2年(4个学期)
<博士> - 课程学分: 博士课程修满36学分,论文研究4学分(最后两学期各2学分) - 与之前系别不同的学生需要修完指导教授所规定的补充科目6学分以上
<硕士> - 课程学分: 硕士课程修满24学分
学期制: 1年2个学期, 一学期15周以上课程
- 全日制课程, 学期中应留在韩国,入学后第一学期不可休学
专业: 国际法务系 国际关系·国际金融专业
- 课程可中文授课
- 毕业论文(博士): 韩语版 / 报告书代替论文(硕士): 韩语版中文授课班优待
开展文化体验活动: 访问釜山附近等主要产业及文化设施项目活动
免费韩语研修: 2小时*每周2次*10周
宿舍: 新入生优先分配外国人留学生宿舍授课教授(预定)
趙東濟 (国立台湾大学博士) : 法学, 法学专门研究生院教授
元东郁 (中国北京大学博士) : 政治学, 中国学系教授
文哲珠 (韩国成均馆大学博士) : 经营学, 国际贸易系教授
梁熙喆 (国立台湾大学博士) : 法学, 韩国海洋科学技术院兼职教授
郑然镐 (中国政法大学博士结业) : 法学, 江南法律事务所律师兼职教授° 李相模 (中国政法大学博士) : 法学, 韩国法制研究院兼职教授
金钟吉 (中国北京大学硕士) : 法学, 同人法律事务所律师兼职教授
宋顺爱 (韩国东亚大学博士) : 法学, 釜山经济振兴院兼职教授备注
中文课程入学后, 不能变更为韩语课程
1A2201国际经济法(International Economic Law) [3]
1A2202 国际政治学(International Politics) [3]
1A2203 国际比较政治论(International Comparative Politics) [3]
1A2204 国际经营学(International Managment Theory) [3]
1A2205 东北亚政治经济论(East Asian Political Economy) [3]
1A2206 国际交易法(International business Law) [3]
1A2207 国际通商纷争案例研究(Practice of International Trade Dispute) [3]
1A2208 国际地域纷争论(International Regional Disputes) [3]
1A2209 国际协商论(Theory of International Negotiation) [3]
1A2210 后进国家政治发展比较研究 [3]
(Comparative Study on of Political Development in Underdeveloped Countries)
1A2211国际政治体系改革研究(The Renovation of International Political System) [3]
1A2212 国际政治经济学(International Political Economy) [3]
1A2213 地域经济协力论与FTA(Regional Economic Integration and FTA) [3]
1A2214 国际协力论(International Co-operation Theory) [3]
1A2215 WTO法规与亚洲经济研究(Study on WTO Regulation and Asian-Economic) [3]
1A2216 中国经济法案例研究(Case Study on Economic Law of China) [3]
1A2217 韩中比较贸易法(Comparative Trade Law of Korea and China) [3]
1A2218 韩中比较民商法(Comparative Civil and Commercial Law of Korea and China) [3]
1A2219 中国贸易法(Chinese Trade Law) [3]
1A2220 知识产权法一般理论(General theory of intellectual property law) [3]
1A2221 国际金融研究(Study on International Finance) [3]
1A2222 金融交易判例研究(Case Studies on Banking) [3]
1A2223 国际外汇管理论(International Foreign Exchange Management) [3]
1A2224 国际金融制度比较研究(The Comparative Study on the Financial policy) [3]
1A2226 私法基础理论(Basic Knowledge of Civil Law) [3]
1A2227 国际交流的理论与实践(International Exchange Theory and Practice) [3]
1A2228 东北亚环境纷争研究(A Case study on the Environmental Dispute in East Asia) [3]
1A2229国际人才资源论(International Human Resources) [3]
1A2230 比较劳动法研究(Comparative Study on Labor Law) [3]
1A2231 社会法一般理论(General Theory of Social Law) [3]
1A2232 劳动争议组成制度研究(Study on Law of Labor Dispute) [3]
1A2233 最低工资法研究(Study on Law of Minimum Wage)
[3] 1A2234 日本劳动法(Japanese Labour Law) [3]
1A2235 社会福利政策论(The theory of Social Welfare Politics) [3]
1A2236外国劳动者劳动关系法(The Laws and Politic for the foreign Workers) [3]
1A2237 东洋法文化论(Theory of Oriental Legal Culture) [3]
1A2238 家族法比较研究(Comparative Study on Family Law) [3]
1A2239 国际开发论(International Development) [3]
1A2240 国家领导者论(International Leadership Theory) [3]
1A2241 东北亚国际协力论(International Cooperation in East Asia) [3]
1A2242 国际劳关系论(International Industry Relationship Theory) [3]
1A2243 国际环境法研究(Study on Law of International Environment) [3]
1A2244 人权法(Human Right) [3] 1A2245 比较宪法(The Comparative Constitution) [3]
1A2246 国际关系论(International Relations) [3]
1A2247 私法一般理论(General Theory of Private Law) [3]
1A2248 中国投资法律研究(Study on Investment Legal of China) [3]
1A2249 银行法(Banking Law) [3]
1A2250 国际金融法体系与金融实务(International Financial Law and Practice) [3]
1A2251 东北亚物流与通商(Logistics and Trade in Northeast Asia) [3]
1A2252 韩中之间物流与企业纷争事例研究(Case Study of Sino-Korean Trade & Business Dispute) [3]
1A2253 民法基础理论(Basic Knowledge of Civil Law) [3]
1A2254 比较民法(Comparative Civil Law) [3]
1A2255 日本法入门(Introduction of Japanese Law) [3] 1A2256 韩中日比较民法(Comparative Study on Civil Law of China, Japan and Korea) [3] 1A2257 韩中日合同法比较研究(Comparative Study on Contract Law of China, Japan and Korea) [3] 1A2258 韩中日担保法比较研究(Comparative Study on Law of Security in China, Japan and Korea) [3]
1A2234日本劳动法(Japanese Labour Law) [3]
1A2235 社会福利政策论(The theory of Social Welfare Politics) [3]
1A2236外国劳动者劳动关系法(The Laws and Politic for the foreign Workers) [3]
1A2237 东洋法文化论(Theory of Oriental Legal Culture) [3]
1A2238 家族法比较研究(Comparative Study on Family Law) [3]
1A2239 国际开发论(International Development) [3]
1A2240 国家领导者论(International Leadership Theory) [3]
1A2241 东北亚国际协力论(International Cooperation in East Asia) [3]
1A2242 国际劳关系论(International Industry Relationship Theory) [3]
1A2243 国际环境法研究(Study on Law of International Environment) [3]
1A2244 人权法(Human Right) [3]
1A2245 比较宪法(The Comparative Constitution) [3]
1A2246 国际关系论(International Relations) [3]
1A2247 私法一般理论(General Theory of Private Law) [3]
1A2248 中国投资法律研究(Study on Investment Legal of China) [3]
1A2249 银行法(Banking Law) [3]
1A2250 国际金融法体系与金融实务(International Financial Law and Practice) [3]
1A2251 东北亚物流与通商(Logistics and Trade in Northeast Asia) [3]
1A2252 韩中之间物流与企业纷争事例研究(Case Study of Sino-Korean Trade & Business Dispute) [3]
1A2253 民法基础理论(Basic Knowledge of Civil Law) [3]
1A2254 比较民法(Comparative Civil Law) [3]
1A2255 日本法入门(Introduction of Japanese Law) [3]
1A2256 韩中日比较民法(Comparative Study on Civil Law of China, Japan and Korea) [3]
1A2257 韩中日合同法比较研究(Comparative Study on Contract Law of China, Japan and Korea) [3]
1A2258 韩中日担保法比较研究(Comparative Study on Law of Security in China, Japan and Korea) [3]
1A2259资本市场与金融投资业相关法律(Act on capital markets and financial investment) [3]
1A2261 证券托管结算制度的权利行使(Korea Securities system of exercising rights) [3]
1A2260 国际金融市场的法与实务(International law and practice of the financial markets) [3]
1A2262 集合投资产业的法律与实务(Laws and practices of collective investment industry) [3]
1A2901博士论文研究 1(Thesis Research for the Doctoral Degree 1) [3]
1A2902 博士论文研究 2(Thesis Research for the Doctoral Degree 2) [3]