“Good morning, Mr. Smith’s office, Fiona speaking. How may I help you?”(早上好,这里是Smith先生的办公室,我是Fiona。请问有什么可以帮到您吗?)
“I’m sorry but Mr. Smith is out of the office this week. Could you send me some more information about your products and company by fax or email please? The fax number is 123456789 and the email address is fiona.best@abc.com.”(很抱歉Smith先生这个星期不在办公室,请问您能否用传真或邮箱把关于您公司产品的具体信息发送过来吗?这里的传真号码是123456789,邮箱地址是address is fiona.best@abc.com)
“Good morning, Mr. Toshiko. My name is Fiona Best and I’m Mr. Smith’s personal assistant. Would you follow me please and I’ll take you to the conference room ready for your meeting?” (Toshiko先生,早上好,我是Fiona Best,Smith先生的私人助理。麻烦您跟我到会议室参加您的会议好吗?)
“Could I get you something to drink – tea, coffee, water or a soft drink? Did you find our offices easily?”(请问您喝点什么?茶?咖啡?水?还是碳酸饮料呢?)
“I’m sorry but Mr. Smith isn’t free on Friday 8th January 2010. Would Monday 11th January or Tuesday 12th January be convenient for you?”(很抱歉Smith先生2021年1月8日周五没有空,请问您11日周一或者12日周二方便吗?)
“Yes, that’s fine. I’ve noted your appointment for 9:30a.m.on Tuesday 12th January here at our offices.” (好的。我已经记下了您的预约时间,1月12日周二早上9:30在我们办公室等。)
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