I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.
Obama Inaugural Address (1)
Obama Inaugural Address (2)
Obama Inaugural Address (3)
Obama Inaugural Address (4)
Obama Inaugural Address (5)
Obama Inaugural Address (6)
Obama Inaugural Address (7)
Obama Inaugural Address (8)
Obama Inaugural Address (9)
Election Night Victory Speech(1)
Election Night Victory Speech(2)
Election Night Victory Speech(3)
Election Night Victory Speech(4)
Election Night Victory Speech(5)
Election Night Victory Speech(6)
Election Night Victory Speech(7)
I just want to say that whatever happens tomorrow, I have been deeply humbled by this journey. You have welcomed Michelle and me and the girls into your homes. You have shared your stories of struggle, you have spoken of your dreams, along the way, talking with all of you about your own lives.
The Last Rally(1)
The Last Rally(2)
The Last Rally(3)
The Last Rally(4)
The Last Rally(5)
The Last Rally(6)
The Last Rally(7)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(1)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(2)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(3)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(4)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(5)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(6)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(7)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(8)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(9)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(10)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(11)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(12)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(13)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(14)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(15)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(16)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(17)
Acceptance Speechat the Democratic Convention(18)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(1)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(2)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(3)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(4)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(5)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(6)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(7)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(8)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(9)
Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(10)
I want to start by congratulating Senator Clinton on her victory in the state of Indiana. And I want to thank the people of North Carolina for giving us a victory in a big state, a swing state, and a state where we will compete to win if I am the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
North Carolina Primary Night(1)
North Carolina Primary Night(2)
North Carolina Primary Night(3)
North Carolina Primary Night(4)
North Carolina Primary Night(5)
North Carolina Primary Night(6)
North Carolina Primary Night(7)
North Carolina Primary Night(8)
North Carolina Primary Night(9)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(1)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(2)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(3)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(4)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(5)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(6)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(7)
Pennsylvania Primary Night(8)
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