场景:中国电信**邀请奥巴马前来为海外军团演讲,本拉登也偷偷跟踪到电信**,在奥巴马演讲时候,突然奔到主席台,手拿炸弹,要与奥巴马同归于尽,这时候中国电信海外公司VIP客户经理前来解围,奥巴马与本拉登都是中国电信VIP客户,都是中国电信的朋友,结果在中国电信海外公司的斡旋下,双方化敌为友,中国电信海外公司就是世界和平的传播者,让世界充满和谐,远离恐怖。(奥巴马——Obama 本拉登——Laden 中国电信VIP客户经理——Seven)本科
My fellow citizens:
I stand here tonight, grateful for china telecom college ,and thanks you(欢呼声) ,there is an apple ,who want to eat?(台下:I,i…….)
You can go to usa
Ameriacan is like an apple ,welcome everyone to eat
Now I introduce true usa to you
We have bigger houses but smaller families;
we have more knowledge, but less judgement;
we have more experts, but more problems;
we have more medicine, but less wellnes
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We talk too much, but love too little and lie too often.
We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life
We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;
We have wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less;
we buy more, but enjoy less.
We are long on quantity, but short on quality.
We have More leisure but less fun;
we have more kinds of food, but less nutrition;
we have fancier houses, but broken homes
My fellow, in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more , and welcome to usa.
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