So far, after a few weeks of negotiations between Democrats, Republicans, and my team at the White House, it appears that we’re getting close to an agreement between the leaders of both parties on how much spending we should cut. There are still details and differences to work out. And what I’ve said is, neither Democrats or Republicans should get 100 percent of what they want. They’re going to have to compromise. They’re going to have to figure this out.
Both sides are close, though, and we know that a compromise is within reach. And we also know that we can’t afford not to have Congress work out these budgets and make sure that we’re investing in the right things. If these budget negotiations break down, we could end up having to shut down the government, just at a time when the economy is starting to recover.
That could jeopardize the economic recovery. It has an impact on everybody’s bottom line. UPS, I know, delivers a lot of packages to the U.S. government. You don’t need a shutdown right now. Every business here could be impacted. We can’t allow that to happen.
So given the encouraging news we received today on jobs, it would be the height of irresponsibility to halt our economic momentum because of the same old Washington politics. That’s not what we need. (Applause.)
The American people, they don’t want us to go to our respective corners and then just have the same battles we’ve been having for decades now. It can’t be “my way or the highway.” They want their leaders to come together. And right now, I believe we have a real opportunity to do just that, in the same way that we did back in December when we cut taxes for the American people in a bipartisan way.
So it’s time to agree on a budget that makes us live within our means while still investing in our future. That’s how these businesses operate and that’s why they’re successful. Businesses have gone through tough times during this recession and had to make some cutbacks on things that weren’t needed. But that made those companies stronger. The same can be true for America as a whole. That’s how we’re going to keep our economy growing. That’s how we’re going to put our people back to work. That’s how we’re going to keep the American Dream alive for the next generation.
And so I just want to say to all of you, thank you for all the extraordinary work you’ve done. Thank you for your help. We’ve got to get busy. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. Thank you. (Applause.)
12:52 P.M. EDT
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