US Lawmakers React to Obama
By Dan Robinson
Capitol Hill
25 February 2009
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Republicans and Democrats in
Congress are reacting to President Barack Obama's speech, in which he
warned Americans that the economy faces a "dire day of reckoning," but one
the country can recover from.
President Barack Obama addresses a joint session of Congress in the House Chamber of the Capitol in Washington, 24 Feb 2009
Democrats reacted
enthusiastically to the president's speech, praising both the messages
President Obama tried to send to Americans and the oratory skills he
employed in his first address to Congress.
In a VOA interview, Representative Neal Abercrombie from Hawaii had this
"He reaches the world, really," said Abercrombie. "His sense of confidence
and his ability to take that sense of confidence and extend it to his
listening audience is second [to] or probably commensurate [equal] to that
of President [Franklin] Roosevelt."
Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, says President Obama recognized the
economic crisis Americans face and laid out steps he has taken and will
take to deal with it.
Nadler also reacted to the president's statement that the United States
will not employ torture in interrogations of suspected terrorists.
"It's a terrible comment, and it's pathetic, that we are in a situation
where he had to say that. At the same [time] I am certainly glad he said
that," Nadler said. "We do not torture, and we are going to have to take
various measures which I hope that this administration will join with us
in Congress to take steps to make sure that no future president no future
administration can do some of the things that unfortunately it is all too
clear happened during the last administration."
House Republicans largely repeated opposition criticisms of President
Obama's economic stimulus plans and assertions that the president and
majority Democrats intend to sharply expand government.
Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, told VOA the president is "a great
orator", but he had this response to the economic points in President
Obama's speech.
"It was an optimistic speech and there were some good lines about fiscal
responsibility," said Flake. "Unfortunately there was a lot of indication
that we are going to be spending a lot of money, I'm not sure to what
"The president's comments on spending seem to me to be very much at odds
with the huge spending bill last week, almost increasing by 80 percent the
discretionary spending of the federal government," said Congressman Roy
Blunt, the former House Republican whip.
Lawmakers are preparing to receive President Obama's budget which arrives
on Capitol Hill, Thursday.
The arrival of a president's budget always sparks partisan political
battles about spending priorities.
Democratic Congressman Jim Moran spoke about the president's challenge to
Democrats and Republicans to work together.
"He is a president deserving of these times. We are lucky to have him, but
there is some real question in my mind as to whether the Congress is going
to be deserving of his leadership," said Moran. "We're going to have to
get our act together - particularly the Republican party. They need to do
something more than just say "no" to everything he proposes."
President Obama's commitment in his speech to cutting wasteful and
ineffective government programs brought a positive reaction from
fiscally-conservative Democrats [known as the Blue Dogs].
Members of the group praised the president for clear and honest talk about
the economy, saying he demonstrated his commitment to long-term fiscal
responsibility, transparency in budgeting and cutting the federal deficit.
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