Since then Mr Kan’s wavering predecessor, Yukio Hatoyama, has resigned, and the new administration has revelled in backing from America over Japan’s dispute with China over the Senkaku islands (Diaoyu in Chinese). In September Japan seized—and later released—a Chinese boat fishing there after it rammed a Japanese coastguard vessel. But Mr Kan’s administration has failed to capitalise on the trawler incident, for instance, in garnering greater support for American troops in Okinawa, a Japanese island close to the Senkakus. Lingering uncertainties over the fate of an American marine base in Okinawa preclude that. Supporting the two countries’ agreement to relocate the marine base is still considered a vote-loser in elections for the governorship of Okinawa on November 28th.
Before he leaves, at least Mr Obama will be spared the traditional indignity of wearing silly clothes for the APEC closing photograph. Japan, which considers a salaryman suit as good as any national costume, is urging leaders to dress smartly, rather than dress up. Afterwards, Mr Obama will visit the great bronze Buddha in Kamakura, which he visited as a child when famously focused more on the matcha ice cream. A prayer for peace and tranquillity might come in handy.
** BTW**
The tea party has changed Obama to "One big asshole mistake Amarica", which is very creative, I think.
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