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and our campaign. Choose between national and local informa

时间:2012-01-01 07:05来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Barackobama.com is the official re-election campaign website of President Barack Obama. Visit the site for the latest updates from the Obama campaign,

Introducing the Obama 2012 Campaign App

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Download the free Obama 2012 app for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch now.

The Obama 2012 app is the best way to stay in touch with the campaign on the go. The official app of the 2012 presidential campaign, this is the home for the latest news and updates, events, and more:

With the Obama 2012 App for iPhone and iPad, you can stay up to date-and involved-no matter where you are.

Using the events feature, you can find events in your area and connect with other Obama for America supporters.

You'll have instant access to the latest information on important news, photos and video.

Additional features will be available for download throughout the year-including more ways for you to get involved as the campaign ramps up.


Latest news: Keep up to date on the latest news about Obama for America, the 2012 elections, and our campaign. Choose between national and local information, and share your favorite stories via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter.

Messages: An inbox for receiving AirMail messages from the campaign that will alert you to breaking news, events in your area, and ways to get involved. AirMail allows you to take action, view video, or RSVP for events within the messages themselves.

About 2012: Learn about our grassroots campaign, and how you can get involved in your community.

Find Events: Find local grassroots events near you. You can RSVP, get maps and directions, and share event details with friends via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter.

Photos & Video: Browse photos and video from Obama for America, including video messages from the President and scenes from grassroots events across the country.

Donate: Help support the 2012 campaign.


The Obama 2012 campaign app works with the iPad, iPhone, iPhone 3G, 3GS, and iPod Touch.

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