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Thomas Funari
God Bless Jan Brewer - at least she is not a do nothing , go along, corporate puppet - like OSCAMA .... thanks for your commitment to the tax paying American Gov Brewer
Slick Fibonacci
No reason she should release a private letter. Though once she gave it to Obama, at an affair of state, I think it becomes a public document (lawyers, help me out here.) Wouldn't it be fun if Obama's administration released it?
Ken Webb
mr. benson, it's never the's the coverup. get smart and comply with the public records requests.
Warren White
The narcissist in chief is used to fawning deference, not someone standing up to his abuse... I am thoroughly sick of this 'impeiral presidency' BS... of Obama taking multi-$million vacations in his private 747 on the taxpayer dime, while America is hurting from 5 years of a Dem Congress.. I vote to put the 747s on ebay, downsize the White House staff by 90%, and get our presidents back to knowing they work for the people and the states, not the other way around.
Christian Fdz
Stupid is the only word that describes her .....
Ted Lewandowski
She was elected into office by the people of Arizona - now she is withholding the contents of a letter written to the President - which was obviously written in her capacity as governor. I say she is on a power trip - but nothing like the power of a subpoena to expose her.
C.c. Shennad
At least one person in this country has the kachoo choo's to stand up the WORTHLESS POTUS!
Kent Ryan Hefley
The incident just shows once again how thin skinned Obama is.
Benjamin M. Deavenport Sr.
My question is, why won't the WH go to the copy machine, make a copy of the letter(hell make a few dozen) and pass them out to the press? Problem solved. Why won't the WH release copies of the letter?
George Nixon
Sounds like a slimy way to a better book deal IMO
Ben Failer
So apparently throwing a hissy-fit at the President on camera is good political practice. Stay classy, AZ.
Phillip Raney
Do you people read what you type before you post it? You sound like 4th grade bullies. There is NEVER cause to point, or boo. It's simply not done. You learn these things in gradeschool. No wonder the world looks at Americans as just 1 step out of the cave.
Amit Gupta
I think it's up to her and/or Arizona to figure it out since it was written by her.
Duane Starkey
What is it about the elected officials in this state that makes them think they are above the law? Arpaio, Brewer, Thomas????
Thomas Carper
She appears to me to be an "aggressive go getter"!
Barry Goldwater
Picture says it all. Setting new standards of disrespect against a freely elected U.S. President!
Rick Curtis
Guess what the nex Seal Team 6 assignment will be?
Jesse Pupparo
Who gives an F what this dumb racist C has to say anyhow?
Richard Babbitt
If the letter is as simple as the govenor claims . , why is she so secretive about it ?
Malibu Mik
wow, that brewer is a brewin' something mean, isn't she....walking up to the president with an envelope and pointy finger all out.....hackin' at him with a voice that only comes from years of puffing tobacco to the extreme. then she runs to fox propaganda with her bottom lip all poutied out cuz obama handed her attitude right back to her, in most neocons, brewer doesn't appear to like it when she gets treated like she treats others....maybe she can retire and spend some time in rehab for her smoking problem.....ride on!
Karna Hannah Kelly
Why must everyone criticize OUR ELECTED,PRESIDENT. He has and will keep doing the best job any president has done. He did not create this mess. He is just stuck with cleaning it up. The govenor like everyone else should respect the person and the position rather u. Like it or not. As for the govenor there is a time and place for everything.
Thanh Nguyen
The ppl who hates on Pres. Obama needs to be honest with themselves. They hate him not because they don't agree w/ his politics, it is because he is "BLACK."
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