So together, these changes are about guaranteeing equal access, equal opportunity, and equal respect for every American. And they build on the progress that we’ve already made as an administration over the last 20 months.
Together, we put in place one of the most important updates to the ADA in 20 years by prohibiting disability-based discrimination by government entities and private businesses and by updating accessibility standards.
I issued an executive order focused on establishing the federal government as a model employer of Americans with disabilities.
We passed the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act -- the first piece of comprehensive legislation aimed at addressing the challenge faced by Americans living with paralysis.
We reauthorized the Children’s Health Insurance Program, covering an additional 2.6 million children in need in 2009, including children with disabilities.
And the Affordable Care Act we passed will give every American more control over their health care -- and will do more to give Americans with disabilities control over their own lives than any legislation since the ADA.
So equal access. Equal opportunity. The freedom to make of our lives what we will. Living up to these principles is an obligation we have as Americans -- and to one another. Because, in the end, each of us has a role to play in our economy. Each of us has something to contribute to the American story. And each of us must do our part to continue on this never-ending journey towards building a more perfect union.
So I am so proud of the legislators here today. I want to thank all the advocates who helped bring this legislation about. And now I'm very proud to sign the bill. (Applause.)
2:15 P.M. EDT
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