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Year Anniversary – 【人人分享

时间:2012-02-28 05:22来源: 作者:admin 点击:
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Obama's One-Year Anniversary 来源:

-What Hasn't Changed-

-1. Freak-Show Nation

The President still faces a major obstacle in truly uniting the country: the opposition's rabble-rousing media and political assassins, whose livelihoods depend on spinning conspiracy theories and spewing venom. The unflappable Obama, like the indifferent Bush, might let it all roll off his back, but the national discourse remains debased, crude and harsh. It's a huge barrier to meaningful change.

-2. Partisan to the Core

Voting patterns and public posturing in Congress are still determined almost exclusively by whether members have a D or an R following their names. Such lock-step behavior has made it harder for Obama than it was for Bush in trying to forge national consensus on the toughest problems.

-3. Obama: Still Mr. Cool

The even-steven persona is a genuine part of Obama's nature, which helped him win the Oval Office. But some supporters are griping that his dearth of public passion and anger is detrimental to the successful promotion of his agenda.

-4. Global Gridlock

While Obama is more popular than his predecessor in Western Europe and other parts of the globe, he has failed to form deep personal bonds with his world-leader counterparts. Without the intimate camaraderie needed to gently impose America's wishes, Obama's first-year overseas accomplishments have been curtailed.

-5. Better-Polling Better Half

Just as the amiable Laura Bush was consistently rated as more popular than her husband, the current First Lady enjoys broad support and a coating of the political Teflon that her spouse lacks. Classy, consistent and composed, Michelle Obama has risen above the fray.

-6. The Fundraising

The recent disclosure that Obama's political contributors have had easy access to the White House, the piles of cash his consultants have made since he took office and the arguably watered-down efforts to elevate the interests of Main Street over Wall Street all illustrate that the Establishment Party is still running Washington.

-7. Job(s) One

Obama might be more articulate than Bush — scratch that, he is — and he might favor a more activist government than his predecessor — O.K., he does — but the country still lacks a President with a compelling theory about how the U.S. is going to produce enough jobs in the short- and long-term to maintain its modern standard of living.

-8. A VIP VP

Dick Cheney famously held great influence over the most important policies of the Bush Administration. In a quieter way — ironic for a man best known for his mouth — Joe Biden has continued that practice, wielding significant sway on Capitol Hill and around the world. Obama trusts his veep's judgment and respects his experience.

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