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Obama signs stimulus bill, readies homeowner plan(2)

时间:2012-03-14 07:38来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Union President Ron Gettelfinger said discussions were continuing about payments into trust funds that will take over retiree health care starting next year changes he said could help the companies i

Union President Ron Gettelfinger said discussions were continuing about payments into trust funds that will take over retiree health care starting next year ¡ª changes he said could help the companies in the difficult economic climate they now face.

As a White House task force prepared to oversee the companies' restructuring, presidential spokesman Gibbs said the administration had not closed the door to a government-backed bankruptcy for the companies.

Obama contends the stimulus plan will create or save 3.5 million jobs. Critics, mostly Republicans, contend it is filled with wasteful spending and provisions that won't boost the economy.

Recession victims will get extended unemployment benefits and help with health care coverage, as well as more food stamps and job training opportunities. States will get cash to prevent them from cutting aid for schools and local governments. Billions are slated for road and bridge construction, mass transit, high-speed rail and national parks.

Middle-income and wealthy taxpayers will be spared from income tax increase that would otherwise hit them. First-time home buyers, new car buyers, college students, poor families with several children and people who make their homes energy efficient also will get breaks.

The measure also includes money for three top items on the president's agenda ¡ª expanding computerized information technology in the health care industry, creating "green" jobs Obama says will help wean the country off foreign oil dependence, and improving the quality of kindergarten through 12th grade education.


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