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Sept. 20, 2009: Transcript: 'This Week' President Obama(5)

时间:2012-04-01 23:24来源: 作者:admin 点击:
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hence, the charge a middle-class tax increasefrom Democrats... WILL: Correct. STEPHANOPOULOS: ... like Jay Rockefeller. I want to get to moreon the policy on health care later in the

STEPHANOPOULOS: Hence, the charge a middle-class tax increase from Democrats...

WILL: Correct.

STEPHANOPOULOS: ... like Jay Rockefeller. I want to get to more on the policy on health care later in the roundtable.

But, Ed, let me bring you in here. I saw your former White House colleague, Dana Perino, say that what we've seen here is the president overexposed. Are you sure that's right?

GILLESPIE: I think there's a lot to that. I mean, the fact is, four primetime press conferences in the course of this presidency, the joint session speech in primetime, Leno and various appearances, including this morning, and it's not moving the needle, I think because he's dissipated the impact of -- of presidential speech right now.

STEPHANOPOULOS: When you say moving the needle, he didn't get a big bump out of the joint session speech, but it does appear that he's stabilized the numbers on health care.

GILLESPIE: Well, according to ABC's own polls afterward, you have 54 percent who say the more they hear about it, the less they like it. You've got 78 percent who say that they think it's not going to benefit them in terms of affecting costs or make it worse. The 82 percent, I think it is, who say that it's not going to improve the quality of their care and probably make it worse.

So I'm not sure he did. He may have -- he may have stemmed some bleeding, but I -- I think he's diminished the impact of his -- of his office a little bit with the overexposure.

BRAZILE: I don't think he's overexposed, George. I think he is not only an effective communicator, but the president is -- is now in the final months of his first year in office. And he's clearly trying to get through his message through all the clutter, the new media, the old media, and everything in between, and this is an opportunity for the president to orchestrate what I believe is the most important phase of this health care debate and other debates, and that is to make sure that he can find a less chaotic path to the passage.

So by communicating, by getting his message out through this clutter, I think the president is once again demonstrating leadership. And this is a very important time for him.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Peggy, one of -- one of the arguments the White House makes is that they're dealing with a very different media environment than any other president ever had to deal with. It's such a fractured media environment that in -- and that even someone like Ronald Reagan, who you worked for, would have to do more of what you're seeing the president do in this environment.

NOONAN: Oh, I don't know. I think the president is doing what he's doing now, being all over today and the past few weeks, he's doing it because he can, because people do what they know how to do...

STEPHANOPOULOS: No one's going to turn him down.

NOONAN: ... because this is his way, because everybody will say yes. I don't think it's about the media environment, but I do think the media environment allows a modern leader to be something subtly damaging, and that is boorish. They get their face in your face every day, all the time. It's boorish, and it makes people not lean towards you, but lean away from you, no matter what the merits of the issue, and the merits of this issue are not such great merits.

REICH: Well, let me disagree a little bit. I -- I think this president is anything but boorish. I mean, the face that we see is one of dignity and a gravitas and utter reasonableness. Ed, when you say that...


REICH: Well, but -- but, you know, this is an interesting point. My -- my calculation is that, at the end of today, the president will have appeared, in terms of national print and broadcast media, about 124 times, up to this point in his -- in his -- in his term.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Thanks to Mark Knoller of CBS.



REICH: Well, it's extraordinary. But Bill Clinton by this time, I think the number was 47, or something like that. George W. Bush was 40. I mean, this is -- this is a president who is very exposed, our current president, but he's the educator-in-chief. I mean, if he weren't effective at doing this, he would not be doing this.

And, Ed, let me go back to something you said. The polls are over the place in terms of effectiveness. That CBS poll showed a very substantial increase after he gave that speech to the joint session of Congress.

GILLESPIE: But I think it was a bump. It wasn't lasting.

REICH: Well, but we can call -- can call it a bump. We can call it an increase. The point is that he is and he had to after August take the initiative again. He is taking the initiative. He knows that if there's any lull right now, his opponents are going to jump into that lull. And it's very important that he educate the public about what's going on.

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