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allAfrica.com: Kenya: Obama Snr Went to U.S. on Scholarship

时间:2012-04-07 01:21来源: 作者:admin 点击:
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The Nation (Nairobi)本科

Kenya: Obama Snr Went to U.S. on Scholarship But His Son Now Aims for White House By Elly Wamari, 5 June 2008
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    One day in September 1959, a chartered Bristol Britannia aircraft touched down in New York, USA, having made a special trip from Nairobi, Kenya.

    The flight was special in two ways. It was the first "airlift" of young Kenyans to the US on a scholarship arrangement initiated by charismatic politician Thomas Joseph Mboya, and supported by African-American Students Foundation in the US.


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    Tagged: East Africa, External Relations, Kenya, U.S., Canada and Africa

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