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Obama: I will be the Democratic nominee

时间:2012-06-04 06:37来源: 作者:admin 点击:
In what he called a defining moment for our nation, Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday became the first African-American to head the ticket of a major polit

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In what he called a "defining moment for our nation," Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday became the first African-American to head the ticket of a major political party.


One source told CNN that Clinton told those on the call that if asked by Obama, she would be interested in serving as his running mate.

One of the lawmakers said Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, has been pushing the idea privately for several weeks.

The Clinton campaign maintains the New York senator merely said she would do whatever is in the party's best interest, and that her comments Tuesday are no different than what she has been saying for weeks.

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    Obama praised Clinton's campaign. He has been speaking favorably of the New York senator as his focus has turned toward the general election and his battle against John McCain, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee.

    "Sen. Hillary Clinton has made history in this campaign not just because she's a woman who has done what no woman has done before, but because she's a leader who inspires millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to the causes that brought us here tonight," he said.

    Diving into general election mode, Obama turned his attacks to McCain, saying it's "time to turn the page on the policies of the past."

    "While John McCain can legitimately tout moments of independence from his party in the past, such independence has not been the hallmark of his presidential campaign," he said.

    "It's not change when John McCain decided to stand with George Bush 95 percent of the time, as he did in the Senate last year."

    Earlier Tuesday night, McCain portrayed himself as the candidate of "right change."

    "No matter who wins this election, the direction of this country is going to change dramatically. But the choice is between the right change and the wrong change, between going forward and going backward," he said in Kenner, Louisiana.
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