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John Galt donating to Obama this year too, apparently; Updat(5)

时间:2012-06-11 05:00来源: 作者:admin 点击:
EconomicNeocon on October 24, 2008 at Who is John Galt (condensed) maverick muse on October 24, 2008 at Wind Rider on October 24, 2008 at 8:24 AM I saw that. Im going to alert the powers that be in t

EconomicNeocon on October 24, 2008 at

Who is John Galt (condensed)

maverick muse on October 24, 2008 at

Wind Rider on October 24, 2008 at 8:24 AM

I saw that. I’m going to alert the powers that be in the State of Georgia.

Buy Danish on October 24, 2008 at

The Life of Lord Byron, by John Galt, 1779-1839 (Scotland)

It is impossible to reflect on the boyhood of Byron without regret. There is not one point in it all which could, otherwise than with pain, have affected a young mind of sensibility. His works bear testimony, that, while his memory retained the impressions of early youth, fresh and unfaded, there was a gloom and shadow upon them, which proved how little they had been really joyous.

Lord Byron was the early Romantic idol, as today Obama is the idol of his supporters’ era. Obama, the straw man conning the personification of a 19th-century genius, represents those aristocratic elitists descended from former generations of Liberals though mutated into contemporary intolerant neo-liberal hordes as the Left.

Ayn Rand takes the early Romantic Scotsman to reincarnate as her own projection of John Galt in Atlas Shrugged.

maverick muse on October 24, 2008 at

Laura Ingraham just mentioned this piece on Hotair on her radio show!

Oink on October 24, 2008 at


Okay, I promised Fairness in Reporting.

Yesterday, when this story first broke, I went over to http://www.barakobama.com; and donated $15 using my Visa card, using the name “Heywood JaBlowmee”; totally fictitious address, email, employer, etc.

I did not use screen captures to record the process; I wasn’t clever enough to do that.

The transaction was processed immediately, without an apparant Billing Address verification, nor asking for the 3-digit security code.

I logged into the my Bank Account immediately afterwards, and the transaction was listed as “Pending”.

That is normal for trasactions that happen during the business workday; and I’ve been told by my back, that once a transaction is processed by a Vendor and is in the “pending” stage, there is NO WAY to stop it, the funds are gone.

About 50% of my “pending” transactions, process to the Completed stage by 6am the next morning.

For whatever reason, about 25% of them take 2 – 3 days, and the remainder, sometimes take 4 – 5 days.

I woke up this morning at 6am and checked my Bank Account; the $15 Obama donation, made by “Heywood JaBlowmee” is Still in a “Pending” stage; though technically, those funds are not available to me to use in another transaction; as far as the Bank is concerned, I’ve already spent those funds.

If those funds do not process by 6am tomorrow morning (Saturday); they will, because of the weekend, remain in a “Pending” stage until Tuesday morning, actually.

If they do not process from the “pending” to the “completed stage, by 6am Wednesday morning, the “pending” status will be removed automatically by my Bank, and credited back to me. My Bank only allows Vendors 3 full Banking Days to complete a transaction from the “pending”, which is really placing a “hold” on the funds in question, to actually completing the transaction and taking receipt of the funds.

In this case, the weekend & Monday, will interrupt the 3 full Banking Days; hence next Wednesday is the drop-dead date on this transaction, whether its actually completed or not.

For the record, I gave full disclosure to my Bank, cancelled my Card, got a new one re-issued; but my Bank assured me that regardless of my “sleight of hand”; the onus is squarely on the Vendor/Merchant to provide an Address Check & Verification Code check; the Bank spokesman told me that Visa sets up very specific guidelines for its transactions, and to NOT do an Address & Security Code Verfication check, is a direct violation of those rules.

Dale in Atlanta on October 24, 2008 at

Why haven’t the banks put a stop to this? Aren’t they on the hook for the fees if it is fraud?

liquidflorian on October 24, 2008 at

Hello HOTAIR. I just made a contribution to Obama’s campaign. The site is still allowing fraudulent transactions. The only error it throws is if you try to put in $1.

I posed as Osama Bin Laden, Terrorist Leader, Mujhadein, in A CAVE IN WAZIRISTAN KHOST, AR, 12345. email was osamabinladenforobama@obl.gov.

Think about it, anyone could use stolen credit cards to fund Obama’s campaign. I would highly recommend everyone check they credit card transactions this month to make sure you haven’t given to the big O yet, you won’t know until your statement in November possibly.

James on October 24, 2008 at

At this point I’m sure the Obama campaign couldn’t care less about these allegations no matter how much proof there is of them.
They are figuring that it’s worth breaking the law now because they know that, if Obama wins, it will be a moot point anyway and any penalty handed out will be worth the end result. What will the courts do….have them return money? pay a fine? They’re certainly not going to overturn the election because of it so what do they really have to lose?

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