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Obama: All About My Mother

时间:2012-06-16 04:11来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Obama's mother is the cover subject in the new issue of Time. "Obama is partly a product of what his mother was not. Whereas she swept her children off to unfamiliar lands and even lived apart from her son when he was a teenager, Obama has

Obama's mother is the cover subject in the new issue of Time. "Obama is partly a product of what his mother was not. Whereas she swept her children off to unfamiliar lands and even lived apart from her son when he was a teenager, Obama has tried to ground his children in the Midwest. 'We've created stability for our kids in a way that my mom didn't do for us,' he says. 'My choosing to put down roots in Chicago and marry a woman who is very rooted in one place probably indicates a desire for stability that maybe I was missing.'" 本科

"Ironically, the person who mattered most in Obama's life is the one we know the least about -- maybe because being partly African in America is still seen as being simply black and color is still a preoccupation above almost all else. There is not enough room in the conversation for the rest of a man's story. But Obama is his mother's son. In his wide-open rhetoric about what can be instead of what was, you see a hint of his mother's credulity. When Obama gets donations from people who have never believed in politics before, they're responding to his ability -- passed down from his mother -- to make a powerful argument (that happens to be very liberal) without using a trace of ideology. On a good day, when he figures out how to move a crowd of thousands of people very different from himself, it has something to do with having had a parent who gazed at different cultures the way other people study gems."

McClatchy profiles Obama's econ team and notes: "Obama is surrounded by bright but untested academic economists who are on the cutting edge of research on health-care policy, social insurance, technology and taxes."

Here's a new headache for the campaign in its quest not to alienate Jewish voters. The Los Angeles Times header: "Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Obama." Subhead: "They consider him receptive despite his clear support of Israel." "Aides say that Obama's friendships with Palestinian Americans reflect only his ability to interact with a wide diversity of people, and that his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been consistent. Obama has called himself a 'stalwart' supporter of the Jewish state and its security needs. He believes in an eventual two-state solution in which Jewish and Palestinian nations exist in peace, which is consistent with current U.S. policy."

"Obama also calls for the U.S. to talk to such declared enemies as Iran, Syria and Cuba. But he argues that the Palestinian militant organization Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, is an exception, calling it a terrorist group that should renounce violence and recognize Israel's right to exist before dialogue begins. That viewpoint, which also matches current U.S. policy, clashes with that of many Palestinian advocates who urge the United States and Israel to treat Hamas as a partner in negotiations."

The Boston Globe: "Obama's fund-raising success presents him with a quandary, however. He said last year that he intended to take public financing if he won the nomination. But that would mean giving up the right to raise general-election money from supporters, a huge sacrifice for a candidate who has proved he can raise tens of millions of dollars from small donors alone."

Obama followed Clinton in calling on Bush to boycott the opening ceremonies. "If the Chinese do not take steps to help stop the genocide in Darfur and to respect the dignity, security and human rights of the Tibetan people, then the president should boycott the opening ceremonies," he said.

CBN's Brody looks at a recent statement made by Obama's new pastor in Chicago.

Obama seemed to refer to Sen. Jay Rockefeller's recent criticism of McCain -- for which Rockefeller later apologized – at a rally yesterday in South Bend, IN, NBC/NJ's Aswini Anburajan notes. "Whatever differences between Sen. Clinton and myself, there are so many greater differences than either of us and John McCain. I respect John McCain, I revere the service he's provided to our country, and I think, I think he deserves credit for that."

Obama added, "And some of my supporters and surrogates -- they've got to be careful that, we always have to be respectful of our opponents because John McCain has done some amazing things," he said.

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