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snopes.com: Bill Brown/Bill Graham(2)

时间:2012-06-22 07:00来源: 作者:admin 点击:
I neither wrote the letter nor the reference to Billy Graham. Some one else did that, I don't know who, and they added a reference to Billy Graham. So, please ignore it. As for the substance of the p

I neither wrote the letter nor the reference to Billy Graham. Some one else did that, I don't know who, and they added a reference to Billy Graham. So, please ignore it.

As for the substance of the piece, it's a jumble of opinion, genuine Barack Obama campaign positions, misinformation, and technically true but misleading statements:

o He voted against banning partial birth abortion.

Barack Obama voted against a 1997 bill to impose a ban on partial birth abortions.

o He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.

Barack Obama voted against a 1996 bill requiring notification of the parents of minors who obtain out-of-state abortions.

o Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government.

Senator Obama has expressed support for programs, saying: "I still believe in affirmative action as a means of overcoming both historic and potentially current discrimination, but I think that it can't be a quota system."

o In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing.

Barack Obama voted "present" (essentially a "no" vote) on an Illinois state senate bill to increase penalties for trafficking in Ecstasy and other designer drugs, questioning "whether Illinois' drug penalties [were] appropriate considering that a person convicted of raping a woman at knifepoint would be charged with the same level of offense as someone convicted of selling 15 doses of ecstasy."

o Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.

This statement is a mischaracterized, out-of-context phrase plucked from a passage appearing in Barack Obama's 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope:

We need to tackle the nexus of unemployment and crime in the inner city. The conventional wisdom is that most unemployed inner-city men could find jobs if they really wanted to work; that they inevitably prefer drug dealing, with its attendant risks but potential profits, to the low-paying jobs that their lack of skill warrants. In fact, economists who've studied the issue — and the young men whose fates are at stake — will tell you that the costs and benefits of the street life don't match the popular mythology: At the bottom or even the middle ranks of the industry, drug dealing is a minimum-wage affair. For many inner-city men, what prevents gainful employment is not simply the absence of motivation to get off the streets but the absence of a job history or any marketable skills — and, increasingly, the stigma of a prison record.

We can assume that with lawful work available for young men now in the drug trade, crime in any community would drop.

o Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.

Barack Obama admitted to having used marijuana and cocaine in his 1995 book, Dreams from My Father.

o His religious convictions are very murky.

Barack Obama has spoken often and at length about his ; whether his religious convictions can accurately be described as "murky" is a subjective issue.

o He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. During a Democratic presidential debate in July 2007, the following question was posed to Senator Obama: "Would you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?" He answered thusly:

I would. And the reason is this, that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration — is ridiculous.

Now, Ronald Reagan and Democratic presidents like JFK constantly spoke to Soviet Union at a time when Ronald Reagan called them an evil empire. And the reason is because they understood that we may not trust them and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward.

And I think that it is a disgrace that we have not spoken to them. We've been talking about Iraq — one of the first things that I would do in terms of moving a diplomatic effort in the region forward is to send a signal that we need to talk to Iran and Syria because they're going to have responsibilities if Iraq collapses.

o Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations.

During a December 2007 interview with Bill Bradley for Sirius Satellite Radio, Senator Obama said that he would convene a conference with Muslim leaders during his first year in office specifically (among other reasons) to insist that they participate in the fight against terrorism:

I would convene a conference within my first year just gathering together Muslim leaders from all around the world, to describe for them what our values and our interests are, to insist that they need to help us to defeat the terrorist threats that are there, but to also recognize that they are bound up with us and that we have an interest in making sure that their societies can prosper and that we're moving forward with them as partners with dignity and respect.

o Opposed the Patriot Act. Before he was elected to the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama expressed opposition to the Patriot Act, but then as a senator he voted in favor of its renewal:
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