Barack Obama (D) 2012 Bundlers
Bundlers are people with friends in high places who, after bumping against personal contribution limits, turn to those friends, associates, and, well, anyone who's willing to give, and deliver the checks to the candidate in one big "bundle."
Even though these donors direct more money to the candidates than anyone else, disclosure can be spotty, candidates generally release bundlers by ranges of fundraising, indicated in this chart with the "max" and "min" columns, and with the top ranges being simply "$500,000 or more." NOTE: Federal Election Commission regulations only require disclosure of funds bundled by registered lobbyists. In 2008, both Barack Obama and John McCain agreed to disclose any bundlers who raised over $50,000 for their campaigns. Obama's re-election campaign is again disclosing those bundlers for the 2012 election. No 2012 Republican presidential candidates have agreed to voluntarily disclose their entire bundlers lists. As such, the only bundlers listed for Republican candidates are registered lobbyists.
See our Bundlers infographic
Together, 532 elites are directing at least $106,400,000 for Obama's re-election efforts -- money that has gone into the coffers of his campaign as well as the Democratic National Committee..
Top Industries of Obama BundlersIndustryMin. Raised# of Bundlers
Lawyers/Law Firms$22,400,000128
Securities & Investment$14,500,00077
Business Services$10,850,00043
Real Estate$7,300,00035
Barack Obama BundlersMinMaxNameCityStateEmployerContributions*
$500,000Katzenberg, JeffreyLos AngelesCADreamWorks Animation$2,064,292
$500,000Hobson and Rogers, Jr., Mellody and JohnChicagoILAriel Capital Management$1,510,889
$500,000Jordan, WayneOaklandCAJordan Real Estate Investments$1,457,453
$500,000Snyder, JayNew YorkNYHBJ Investments$1,400,037
$500,000Sacks, MichaelWinnetkaILGrosvenor Capital Management$1,238,281
$500,000Bainum, StewartFultonMDChoice Hotels International$1,236,465
$500,000Eychaner, FredChicagoILNewsweb Corp$1,220,550
$500,000Stetson, JaneNorwichVTDemocratic National Cmte$1,122,826
$500,000Cohen, David and RhondaPhiladelphiaPAComcast Corp$1,120,681
$500,000Pohlad, RobertEdinaMNPohlad Companies$1,004,277
$500,000Effron, BlairNew YorkNYCenterview Partners$998,787
$500,000Aberly, NaomiDallasTXTIFF Advisory Services$975,343
$500,000Patterson, CaryTexarkanaTXNix, Patterson & Roach$952,383
$500,000Mailer Anderson and Miner, Robert and NicolaSan FranciscoCAWriter/Quotidian Gallery Corp$911,700
$500,000Corzine, JonHobokenNJMF Global$897,232
$500,000Barzun, MatthewLouisvilleKYBrickpath LLC$897,042
$500,000Rosen, JackNew YorkNYRosen Partners$895,180
$500,000Kovner, SarahNew YorkNYConsultant$865,996
$500,000Connors, Eileen and JackBostonMAHill Holliday$832,642
$500,000Monks, BonnieCape ElizabethMERetired$800,700
$500,000Kempner, MichaelEast RutherfordNJMWW Group$784,319
$500,000Weinstein, HarveyNew YorkNYWeinstein Co$752,625
$500,000Gilbert, Mark and NancyBoca RatonFLBarclays Capital$726,774
$500,000Bonnie, ShelbySan FranciscoCAWhiskey Media$704,542
$500,000Morgan, JohnLake MaryFLMorgan & Morgan$672,850
$500,000Gill and Miller, Tim and ScottDenverCOGill Foundation/UBS AG$672,800
$500,000Clark, BobSt. LouisMOClayco Construction$667,952
$500,000Rudy, KirkAustinTXEndeavor Real Estate$665,591
$500,000Kramer, OrinNew YorkNYBoston Provident$656,230
$500,000Randlett, Wade and LornaSan FranciscoCANextfuels Inc$634,276
$500,000Schuster, ElaineChestnut HillMAPhilanthropist$622,898
$500,000Tobias, AndrewMiamiFLDemocratic National Cmte$608,211
$500,000LeVine, SuziSeattleWAMicrosoft Corp$574,258
$500,000Fernando, RajivChicagoILChopper Trading$565,050
$500,000Hartley, JaneNew YorkNYObservatory Group$519,742
$500,000Wolf, RobertPurchaseNYUBS AG$500,872
$500,000Kireker, Charlie and MarieWeybridgeVTTwin Birches$492,895
$500,000Bell, ColleenLos AngelesCABell-Phillip TV Productions$460,500
$500,000Ricketts, LauraChicagoILEcotravel LLC$456,631
$500,000Benioff, MarcSan FranciscoCASalesforce.Com$451,980
$500,000Heyman, Vicki and BruceChicagoILGoldman Sachs$450,817
$500,000Green, StevenMiami BeachFLGreenstreet Partners$444,200
$500,000Korge, ChrisMiamiFLKorge & Korge$432,700
$500,000White, FrankWashingtonDCRetired$410,378
$500,000Berger, MitchellParklandFLBerger Singerman PA$386,421
$500,000Lassiter, MaiLos AngelesCAOverbrook Entertainment$350,837
$500,000Falk, JosephMiamiFLAkerman, Senterfitt & Eidson$344,159
$500,000Broas, TimWashingtonDCWinston & Strawn$332,987
$500,000Friedman, DavidLongmontCOSandy River Health Systems$328,584
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