BROWNSTEIN: Democrats have now won, Andrea, 18 states for at least the last five elections consecutively, plus the District of Columbia, 248 Electoral College votes. They haven't won that many states over that long a period since Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. They also now hold, if Franken maintains his lead, 33 of the 36 Senate seats in those 18 states, over two-thirds of the House seats, two-thirds of the governorships. They have built their strongest Electoral College base since the days of Roosevelt and Truman, and that is an important foundation for Obama. It's going to be very difficult for Republicans, I think, to systematically challenge Obama and the Democrats over time if this much of the country is virtually off-limits for them.
RUSH: The Democrats own the country. There's nothing anybody can do to stop it. We should just lay down and accept it.
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