No need to spend millions to have a politician in your pocket.OBAMAGRAM let's you put words in the President’s mouth.
Just in time for the 2012 election, you get to join the debate with OBAMAGRAM... and let your friends know what the real state of the union is.Who knowsYour creation might even go viral!
Make your own Presidential address and then share it with the world-- email it, share it on Facebook and YouTube.
Game Features:
* Talking Obama!A full featured talking avatar of the President of the United States.He repeats anything you say
* Record and publish your creations.Share them on email, YouTube, Facebook +++
* Poke and play with the most powerful man in the world!
* Obama answers the Hotline… only you know who's on the other end!
* Obama delivers your best friend a birthday cake and sings him happy birthday
* Send a missile
* Throw away top-secret documents
* Create your own political cartoon
* Make the Leader of the Free World sing your tune!
Created by WuerkMart -- and designed by the Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Matt Wuerker
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