With a bailout, the Feds will establish an "Education Czar" to oversee content and executive pay for these "educational institutions" Favored firms will receive assistance, and then engage in predatory pricing to drive out competitiors not friendly to the socialists. Their is so much "fact checking" now, how will we notice a decrease.
I just got my resub notice for the WSJ, and they now want over $300 per year?
hmmm on Sep 21, 6:03 AM said:
SAI...you do see the fractional efforts at work here, dont you? First it was the banks - upsetting natural selection, forever sticking us the the same top banks forever.... then it was the auto companies - sticking us with the unions forever - setting them up to crush other industries... student loans.... and now newspapers.... you see, you cant be selective in calling BS on big gov (there has been a fair amount of left leaning water carrying here)...because its only a matter of time until it creeps into your backyard (now they want to leave you for the dogs and bail out your competition - I am sure if you carry more water, they will find a way for you to eek out an existence though)....then its to late...all your potential partners to resist are co-opted... think about it...does we who have complained the whole time make sense now???
Nick on Sep 21, 6:14 AM said:
In the end, it's up to the readers to decide whether they will read newspapers and watch TV or get their information from Blogs and other independent sources. I think most readers would rather judge for themselves the credibility of their sources, instead of having some hidden editor acting as a secret sensor for them. Who knows what kinds of conflicts of interest this hidden editor has? I prefer to read blogs because I get a better and a fuller understanding of what's going on than I can ever get from reading and watching the more traditional media. And it's probably like this for many other readers too.
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