Mindful that some Republicans were threatened by intraparty rivals for being seen as too friendly toward him, Mr. Obama added to his antagonists’ laughter. “And by the way,” he said, “in case he’s going to get a Republican challenge, I didn’t mean it.” Looking directly at Mr. Ryan, he said, “I don’t want to — don’t want to hurt you, man.”
A year later, Republicans had taken control of the House, and Mr. Ryan the Budget Committee, after a midterm campaign in which they attacked Mr. Obama, accusing him of cutting Medicare by $500 billion over 10 years in his health care law — reductions that were the same as in the Ryan plan, which he now was shepherding to House passage.
In April last year, days before the House vote on Mr. Ryan’s budget, Mr. Obama outlined his deficit-reduction plan. Not knowing that Mr. Ryan was in the front row, though he had been invited by White House staff, Mr. Obama flayed the Ryan budget. Mr. Ryan, in an interview, said he afterward told Obama economic adviser Gene Sperling that the president had “poisoned the well.”
Soon after, when Mr. Obama called House Republicans to the White House to start budget talks, Mr. Ryan challenged him to stop the political attacks. Mr. Obama countered that Republicans were no slouches at attacks, even of his birthplace.
“Paul stood up and was not bashful in that setting,” said Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah. “When you are confident in your understanding of the material, there is no reason he shouldn’t get up and challenge the notions of the president.”
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