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时间:2011-01-05 17:08来源: 作者: 点击:


Olivia: How’s the leg Johnny?

Johnny: Bit better thanks...I’ve got the plaster off it now, but I still need the crutch.

Olivia: Good to hear...

Johnny: Your nephew young Joe didn’t help...he’s not here today is he? I need to recover!

Olivia: No, don’t worry...I’m not looking after him today. He’s with my sister.

Harry: Hello there!

Olivia: Hi Harry!

Johnny: Hi there workmate!

Olivia: How’s it going, Harry?

Harry: (unsure) Erm...not bad...

Olivia: You don’t sound so sure...

Harry: No, really, everything’s fine...

Johnny: Everything ok at work? I don’t get to see you much...

Harry: Well, I’m always busy, you know...

Johnny: Oh yeah, I know...busy busy busy. That’s me! Got to go right now...just to the doctor’s though, he’s having another look at my leg, making sure it’s ok...

Olivia: Bye then Johnny! Hope it goes well!

Johnny: Me too! Whoops....(sound of door opening, something dropping, enter Magda, sound of surprise)...Magda! Watch out!

Magda: Oh, sorry Johnny!

Johnny: Owwww!

All: Oh no!

Magda: Oh! I stepped on your toe!

Johnny: Don’t worry...never mind...nothing serious...I’ll get better! Good job I’m going to the doctor’s right now! Bye!

(exit Johnny)

Magda: Oh no! I feel so bad!

Harry: Don’t worry about it, he’s not really that bad! He hasn’t broken any bones or anything.

Olivia: He’s just a bit of an actor, that’s all...

Harry: Tell me about it...he’s terrible at work! I try and avoid him...

Olivia: Oh no! Why?

Harry: He just talks about his work all the time, about how important he is, about how rich he’s going to be...it gets boring...

Olivia: But are you getting on with him ok, otherwise?

Harry: Yeah, I guess so...they really make me work hard for my money though...

Olivia: Do you think you’ll stay with that job?

Harry: For a bit, I guess. I’ll have to see how it goes, long term...

Magda: Isn’t anyone going to ask about my interview?!

Olivia: Oh yes...sorry! Of course..so, how did it go?

Magda: I’m not sure...ok I think...it’s difficult to say...

Harry: What questions did they ask you?

Magda: The usual ones...why I want this job, what I can bring to their company...

Olivia: Did you answer all the questions?

Magda: Sure...yes.

Harry: Did you ask a question?

Magda: Yes...I only got a chance to ask one, so I asked them how far I’d be free to follow my own projects as part of the job.

Olivia: Good question.

Harry: What did you wear?

Magda: A suit, like you told me! Black jacket, trousers...

Olivia: Did you arrive on time?

Magda: I was perfectly punctual!

Harry: You’ll be a shoe-in!

Magda: Sorry? A what?

Harry: A shoe-in! It means you’re certain to get the job!

Magda: Well, I hope so...(phone rings)....Oh no! It’s them...they’ll be calling to tell me if I got the job or not....

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