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Obama’s green plan(3)

时间:2011-06-10 21:08来源: 作者:admin 点击:
匿名 | Anonymous 2009年3月19日9:0 19 Mar 2009 09:00 0 Likes 回复4号评论 很好的道理但决策者似乎不懂(专家组正确)·学者明白(没有更好的办法)·阴差阳错错失良机--冰雪融化加速度······ 改变气候环境


匿名 | Anonymous


19 Mar 2009 09:00




Reply to comment #4

There is a simple logic here (which the panel were correct about), but which policymakers don’t seem able to understand. Only academics understand (that there are no better solutions.

Due to a combination of factors, we have lost many good opportunities and the icecaps are melting at an accelerated pace.

To solve climate and environmental problems, we need to simultaneously address the symptom and root of the problem.


匿名 | Anonymous


23 Mar 2009 11:39








再看太阳能,除了太阳能热水器还行以外,咱们的大型的太阳能光伏发电企业就是两头在外:原料95%进口,市场98%在海外,特别是欧洲的西班牙和德国。我们为什么不使用这么好的东西? 答案是:太贵。



Difficult cooperation

Sino-American cooperation on climate change currently looks virtually impossible. Developing countries, including China, always do everything possible and developed countries, especially America, count outstanding debts. They are always bargaining, what compensation western developed countries have actually given us, what technological transfer, we are only willing to make promises to reduce emissions. Before we answer these complicated questions, we need to ask ourselves, why are developed countries starting green activities? Is everyone like Lei Feng? are we all good and noble people? Or is the calibre of the people of our country inferior, are we all scoundrels and rogues? As for climate change, how much of an impact will it actually have on our economy, is a good thing or a bad thing, what's good about it, what's bad about it? Before we get scientific answers, I see that we are still making up for missed lessons, we need first to grasp the basics. Everytime I think of our wind power or solar energy I get a headache; we are very proud, we are world number one for increasing output from wind power; we are world number one for producing electricity from solar energy, we also have a 20% energy saving target in the 11th 5 year plan; we are very good, even better than America. Look at where the wind power comes from: from Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Sichuan etc over mountains and across rivers to the developed areas in the east and to the developed coastal areas. Where's the problem? Windy areas are mostly poor remote mountain areas, everyone can afford to use the wind power, there's no industry and less electricity is used. In addition, for a while reports have said that these facilities are not being developed enough, the running hours of power generating units in our country recently fell by over 10% on average. To put it bluntly, it's a ruse on the part of large scale interest groups for the future. It's the same for hydroelectric power: our major rivers are all dammed for hydroelectric power stations and this electricity will soon cross countless mountains at a voltage of hundreds of thousands of volts to the coastal regions down an electricity cable. We're doomed. Haven't the snow storms of 2007 already shown us that? Look at solar power. Apart from solar power water heaters, our large solar power companies are overseas at both ends: 95% of raw materials are imported, 98% of the market is overseas, Spain and Germany in particular. Why aren't we using such good things? the answer is: they are too expensive. As for our energy saving plan, we don't want to say too much. I can only say that our ambition outstrips our ability. I don't want to just be a critic. I think the only way forward is for the western world to help China and at the same time to receive help from China, this is a time when we need to use the market. As for the politicians, whether they actually understand energy markets and the energy economy or not, I don't know. (Translated by Jodie Gardiner)

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