Obama foolish young love one basket [map]
Barack Obama was born ... ...
Wage earners more than catch up with Prince Basketball Girl
By female photographers take pictures phase Circle "Writer Dream"
"Wage earners more than catch up with Prince Basketball Girl"
Obama is a "sports fan": golf, surfing good at everything, especially fond of playing basketball. But little known is that young when he not only likes sports, but also enjoy parties, but love is the biggest dating and girls.
In 1980 he entered the United States is ranked 36 of the Academy of Arts and Sciences - College of the West, the name is Barry Obama - Barack Obama (Barry Obama). Entered the University of the moment, he is only one mind: "chasing girls." Able-bodied, skill of the Obama plot, it's easy to add the school basketball team, and quickly became the main force. But he regretted that the school-type sports for girls seems to be not interested in boys. Thus, Obama in spite of the retention of coaches,毅然决然to quit basketball team turned to the school coffee shop when a popular "wage earners." Then, give him changed their name into a Barack - Obama.
Obama has in his memoirs wrote: "School is not where my athletes the world. In order to get the favor of the girls, I have to give up the likes of basketball, and to the coffee shop when the Health Service. The reason is simple, for female children, 'wage earners' than' basketball Prince 'more attractive! "
By female photographers take pictures phase Circle "Writer Dream"
Obama popular among excellent, quickly became the Western College "School-grass", has a large group fans. According to media reports, his first "date" is a warm and extremely high job female photographers,the name is lisa- Jack. Two people at the school store in front of each other, Lisa hope that Obama can permit her to shoot him a group of photos. When you see Obama looked puzzled when Lisa explained that the job are necessary.
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