Senior White House aide Michael McFaul said Obama and Medvedev talked about the possibility of issuing a joint statement, but no such initiative was forthcoming.
Instead, a senior Russian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told reporters afterwards: “In Kyrgyzstan, there should be only one base — Russian.”
He said Bakiyev had failed to fulfil a promise to close the U.S. base. McFaul said that the two leaders had not discussed the issue of closing the U.S. air base.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin effectively recognised the interim Kyrgyz government formed by opposition leader Roza Otunbayeva on Thursday, speaking to her by telephone, his spokesman said. But the U.S. official said it was unclear who was running Kyrgyzstan, although he added Washington did not see the upheaval as a Russian-sponsored or anti-American coup.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus said the uncertain situation in Kyrgyzstan dominated a lunch he hosted for the two leaders, and each left the room at one point to take a call on the crisis.
Obama reaffirmed his long-term goal to work towards a world without nuclear arms and said Medvedev would visit the United States later this year to discuss further cooperation, including withdrawing short-range tactical nuclear weapons.
The U.S. leader this week announced a shift in U.S. nuclear doctrine, pledging never to use atomic weapons against non-nuclear states, as he sought to build momentum for an April 12-13 nuclear security summit in Washington.
Analysts said the signing would help Obama to build pressure on Tehran, along with a 47-nation nuclear summit in Washington and a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao next week.
The two leaders tried to highlight common ground, including on economic cooperation. However, they did not mention Russia’s stalled bid to join the World Trade Organisation.
Obama has put a priority on trying to “reset” relations with Moscow that hit a post-Cold War low during Russia’s 2008 war with Georgia, and the treaty could help that.
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