Obama kicks off first visit to China
发布时间:2009/11/16 来源:郧阳医**英语语言学习中心 【字体: 】
A girl presents a bouquet to U.S. President Barack Obama after he arrives at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Nov. 15, 2009.
United States President Barack Obama arrived last night at Shanghai Pudong International Airport to kick off his first visit to China, and will begin negotiations that will likely take a more cooperative tone than that of his predecessors。
The 48-year-old is the first US president to visit China within the first year of taking office。 He will arrive in Beijing this afternoon during his four-day visit and meet President Hu Jintao, top legislator Wu Bangguo and Premier Wen Jiabao tomorrow and on Wednesday。
The China trip is also part of his first to Asia as president。 In his wide-ranging speech in Japan on Saturday, Obama said he would welcome, not fear, a robust China as a powerful partner on urgent challenges。
"The rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations," he told 1,500 prominent Japanese。
"We welcome China's efforts to play a greater role on the world stage, a role in which their growing economy is joined by growing responsibility。"
Obama said Washington would work hard to build on newer relations with Asian nations such as China and Indonesia aside from strengthening alliances with Japan and the Republic of Korea。
The White House said he plans to talk with Chinese leaders about re-evaluating the Chinese currency。 Shared challenges such as the economic crisis, nuclear nonproliferation and energy cooperation will also loom large in discussions。
Obama is expected to meet with local leaders in Shanghai this morning。
He is also scheduled to meet 300 local youths in the afternoon at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum。 Most of them will come from Fudan and Tongji universities。
The meeting will last 75 minutes with Obama speaking for 15 minutes followed by an hour-long question-and-answer session。 The event will be broadcast live online, according to Xinhua News Agency。
In the Obama craze that has caught on with many in Shanghai as well as in China, youngsters make up a large contingency of his fans。
The admiration among the youth "is great news for Obama", according to the Christian Science Monitor, a Boston-based newspaper。 The paper said "the long-term future of US-China relations is dependent ultimately on the youth of China。"
The White House earlier said the US leader's talks with Shanghai youngsters would be about the future of Sino-American relationship。
"They are the audience (Obama) should pay special attention to。 If he can maintain popularity among them, his influence in China has high potential," said the newspaper。
Shi Yinhong, a senior international relations expert with Beijing-based Renmin University of China, said that Obama is likely to redefine China-US relations during his visit。
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