英国皇冠阀门(UK CROWN VALVE)国际有限公司简介:皇冠阀门品牌成立于1965年,注册资金7000万英镑在职员工达3000人。在英国拥有2个生产基地,世界各国拥有15个生产基地,同时英国本地设有30多个办事机构。其产品远销世界各国,在世界200多个地区均有代理商。英国UK阀门的产品涉及石油、化工、电力、冶金、制药、食品、水处理、市政给排水、天然气、造纸、电子工业、楼宇、机械设备配套等领域。
英国皇冠阀门(UK CROWN VALVE)国际有限公司产品:蝶阀,球阀,截止阀,闸阀,止回阀,调节阀,减压阀,阻火器,针型阀,放料阀,呼吸阀,排气阀,过滤器,隔膜阀,旋塞阀,柱塞阀,保温阀门,水利控制阀,平衡阀,疏水阀,电磁阀,安全阀,电动阀门,气动阀门,电站阀门,锻钢阀门,高压阀门,高温阀门,化工阀门,蒸汽阀门,不锈钢阀门,陶瓷阀门,防腐阀门,卫生级阀门等工业上通用的阀门。
销售热线:021-31263961 图文传真:021-34672231
UK CROWN VALVE COMPANY PROFILE:The UK valve is the fluid control field in Europe, one of the major suppliers and production company headquarters is located in wales, the company is committed to research, development, production, the fluid control systems in many countries there are production base. Crown valve founded in 1965, the registered capital of £70 million and 3000 on-the-job employees. In Britain has two production base, the world has 15 production base, and with more than 30 British local offices. Its products are exported to all over the world in the world, there are more than 200 region agent. Company product user involves petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, pharmacy, food, water treatment, municipal water supply, gas, papermaking, electronic industry, building, mechanical equipment, etc.
UK CROWN VALVE COMPANGY PRODUCTS: UK main products were: ball valve,butterfly valve ,cut-off valve ,gate valve,check valve ,regulator,flame arrester ,needle valve , breathing valve ,vent valve,filter diaphragm valve ,piston valve hydraulic control valves ,insulation ,,balancing valve ,solenoid valves ,relief valve ,pneumatic valve ,electric power ,valve ,forged steel valves ,,high-temperature high-pressure valves ,valve valve ,steam valve industry ,stainless steel valves ,ceramic valve ,antiseptic valve ,sanitation valve industry of the valve.
【免费咨询报名电话:010-6801 7975】
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