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时间:2011-06-28 01:29来源: 作者:admin 点击:


     Thank you!  Hello!  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you.  Well, hello, Philadelphia! (Applause.)  And hello, Masterman.  It is wonderful to see all of you.  What a terrific introduction by Kelly. Give Kelly a big round of applause.  (Applause.)  I was saying backstage that when I was in high school, I could not have done that.  (Laughter.)  I would have muffed it up somehow.  So we are so proud of you and everything that you’ve done.  And to all the students here, I’m thrilled to be here.




kelly 在奥巴马总统演讲前,一名叫Kelly的学生做了演讲。
backstage n.后台
muff v.笨拙地处理,将事情弄糟
thrilled a.激动的


     We’ve got a couple introductions I want to make.  First of all, you’ve got the outstanding governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, in the house.  (Applause.)  The mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter, is here.  (Applause.)  Congressman Chaka Fattah is here.  (Applause.)  Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz is here.  (Applause.)  Your own principal, Marge Neff, is here.  (Applause.)  The school superintendent, Arlene Ackerman, is here and doing a great job.  (Applause.)  And the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, is here.  (Applause.)


      我想介绍几个人。首先,来到这儿的有,杰出的宾夕法尼亚州州长, Ed Rendell。(掌声。)费城市长,Michael Nutter。国会议员Fattah和Allyson Schwartz(掌声)。你们的校长Marge Neff(掌声)。学校管理人Arlene Ackerman是这个学校的,并且为学校做了很大的贡献。(掌声)。还有有资质秘书长Arne Duncan。(掌声)


outstanding a.杰出的
Congressman n.国会议员

principal n.校长

superintendent n.院长


     And I am here.  (Applause.)  And I am thrilled to be here.  I am just so excited.  I’ve heard such great things about what all of you are doing, both the students and the teachers and the staff here.



     Today is about welcoming all of you, and all of America’s students, back to school, even though I know you’ve been in school for a little bit now.  And I can’t think of a better place to do it than at Masterman.   (Applause.)  Because you are one of the best schools in Philadelphia.  You are a leader in helping students succeed in the classroom.  Just last week, you were recognized by a National Blue Ribbon -- as a National Blue Ribbon School because of your record of achievement.  And that is a testament to everybody here –- to the students, to the parents, to the teachers, to the school leaders.  It’s an example of excellence that I hope communities across America can embrace.



 embrace vt.拥抱;接受

    Over the past few weeks, Michelle and I have been getting Sasha and Malia ready for school.  And they’re excited about it.  I’ll bet they had the same feelings that you do -- you’re a little sad to see the summer go, but you’re also excited about the possibilities of a new year.  The possibilities of building new friendships and strengthening old ones, of joining a school club, or trying out for a team.  The possibilities of growing into a better student and a better person and making not just your family proud but making yourself proud.

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