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Barack Obama: I need to know more about China

时间:2011-08-10 22:13来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Barack Obama: I need to know more about China 奥巴马:我需要加深对中国的了解 导读:应国家主席胡锦涛邀请,美国总统奥巴马于 11 月 15 日晚抵达上海,开始


Barack Obama: I need to know more about China



导读:应国家主席胡锦涛邀请,美国总统奥巴马于1115日晚抵达上海,开始对中国进行为期4天的国事访问。这是奥巴马自今年1月就职后的首次访华。正所谓有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”(Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?)。那么,访问期间,中国又是怎样精心准备总统的衣食住行呢?

来华访问的美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马周一表示,他有必要进一步了解中国。Visiting US President Barack Obama said here on Monday that he need to know more about China.

这次拜访的主要目的就是加深我对中国的理解,进一步了解中方对于未来的愿景,奥巴马向500多名当地青年说。他们多是复旦**和同济**的学生。 "The main purpose of my trip is to deepen my understanding of China and its vision of the future," Obama told an audience of more than 500 local youths, many of whom students from Fudan University and Tongji University.


我们并不试图将任何一种政治体制强加给其他的国家,奥巴马强调,接触信息的机会、政治的参与是大家共有的权利,也是美国开放态度的指导原则。 "We do not seek to impose any form of government on any other nation," Obama said, noting access to information and political participation are universal rights that guide America's openness.


此次中国之行也是他当选总统后的首次访问亚洲。周六在日本举行的大规模演讲中,奥巴马说在迎接危机挑战之时,能够有强大的中国这个实力雄厚的合作伙伴。他愿意张开双臂,而非寝食难安。 The China trip is also part of his first to Asia as president. In his wide-ranging speech in Japan on Saturday, Obama said he would welcome, not fear, a robust China as a powerful partner on urgent challenges.

一个强大而繁荣的中国崛起于世,这将成为国际社会的力量源泉,他向1500多名来自日本各界的精英们说到。 "The rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations," he told 1,500 prominent Japanese.

此次奥巴马访华吸引了100多名记者。其中,大多数来自美国,其他的来自中国。 The ongoing event attracted for more than 100 reporters, the large majority of them from the US and the rest from China.

此次会谈在上海科技馆四层举行,持续时间为75分钟,奥巴马总统先进行了约15分钟的演讲,随后是一个小时的问答环节。 The meeting on the fourth floor of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum was scheduled to last for 75 minutes, with Obama speaking for 15 minutes and the an hour-long question and answer session.

在奥巴马演讲前,美国驻华大使洪博培表示,时值中美建交30年之际,此次访华对增进中美关系真是恰到火候Before Obama's speech, Jon Huntsman, US ambassador to China said, "the timing could not be better" for increasing bilateral relations at the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations ties.

奥巴马于15号晚11点抵达上海浦东国际机场,次日上午会见了上海市领导。 Obama met local leaders in the morning. He arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport just after 11 pm last night.

48岁的奥巴马是美国首位上任当年就对华进行国事访问的总统。结束与当地青年的会谈后他将立即飞往北京。 The 48-year-old, the first US president to visit China within the first year of taking office, will fly to Beijing immediately after meeting the youths.

预计,奥巴马将于下午430抵达首都北京。当晚,国家主席胡锦涛将在钓鱼台国宾馆设宴迎接他的到来。 He is expected to arrive in the nation's capital at around 4:30 pm. President Hu Jintao will host a state dinner for Obama at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in the evening

美式大餐接待总统 American-style meals await president

本周,这位美国总统将享受到中国精心准备的美式菜肴,并将欣赏到首都中心地区壮丽的景观。 China will host the West Wing this week with tailored American cuisine and a magnificent view over the heart of its capital.

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