Monday, 2. March 2009, 20:07
America, politics, Obama
Well, Obama had his Rev. Wright. The Republicans have Rush Limbaugh.
I was raised in a little country community dominated by Democrats. I have for the last many years voted Republican. Yes I voted for Bush. I voted for him back when he was popular. I know... No one remembers that far back.
But Limbaugh's comments lately have made me wonder why I would ever associate with Republicans again. After all he has been the standard for the party. Or at least other Republicans will not stand against him with out going back later and apologizing to him.
I think he has gone a little too far this time. He "hopes Obama's plan fails"?
Where does this guy get off saying that if it goes through, "we will be Socialist". Maybe we will, but we will be Americans. At this point, it sounds a whole lot better than being an Asshole!
My God! He really said it! I have heard little kids holler "I hope you die!" before but little kids are not what we are dealing with here, or are we.
Rush, you have just lost all credibility and if Republicans follow your lead, so have they.
Everybody has an opinion, nobody has a plan.
Monday, 24. November 2008, 19:05
America, Law, Obama
Since Obama has won the election, Americans have rushed to the gun stores to buy weapons and stock up on ammunition.
Don't they know they are just driving up the prices? We have plenty of time to arm ourselves.
There are plenty other plans he must put into place before he can take control.
First he must implement a force that he can control to enforce the his will. Yeah, kinda like the Civilian Authority groups he wants to set up. That will take some time.
Just remember that opponents of the 2nd Amendment points out that it was just put in there to give us the right to have an army to protect us. I say, Nay, Nay.
The words used by our founding fathers were that armed citizens are the best protection from our OWN government.
Saturday, 22. November 2008, 02:36
Obama, Extremist, politics, America
I was once involved in a dispute with a Home Owners Association where we filed a suit against the Board of Directors. The news papers got wind of it and interviewed some of us about the issues. One member that joined our fight was contacted and much to late, we found out the guy was a conspiracy theorist. After his interview, no credit was given to our petition because of his insistence that the board was breeding animals to act against the owners and was involved in a plot where they wrote the Bible to control all of the humans on Earth.
So with that in mind and knowing full well that some of the supporters of what I am going to say, are going to be somewhat extremist that might also think Obama was put down here at a site in Roswell, NM...
Why doesn't he just whip out that vault copy of his birth certificate and end all these court actions?
No, not one of these BS copies he has given to The real one he found stuck in a book. In his own words, he says he found it. Why did he lawyer up and refuse to let anyone see it?
I don't have to repeat all the specifics of each action in the courts or evidence to support either side. You can Google it to find out more than you ever wanted to know about his birth.
Now he has rumors flying and truths being stretched. He is paying a lot of money to hide behind his lawyers and let the conspiracy nuts blew this so out of proportion that everyone will think it is just another whack at him and pay it no attention.
It is playing out like a bad mystery novel. Newspaper clippings, phone calls to the Ambassador of Kenya, grandmother's statements, blocking discovery, and hear-say. Just fing show it!
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