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Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects

时间:2011-09-09 02:20来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects.

Executive Orders

Subject Index for Barack Obama - 2009-Present


  • Abortion; enforcing and implementing restrictions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:
  • Armed Forces, U.S.
  • Ordering selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members to active duty to assist in Haitian earthquake relief efforts:
  • U.S. Manual for Courts-Martial; amendments:
  • Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, White House Initiative on; establishment:
  • B

  • Belarus; waiver under the Trade Act of 1974:
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina; International Organizations Immunities Act, provision extension:
  • Business and industry; automotive communities and workers, policy coordination:
  • C

  • Commissions, Boards, Committees, Task Forces, etc.
  • D

  • Defense, national
  • E

  • Environment
  • Chesapeake Bay, protection and restoration efforts:
  • Oceans, coasts, and the Great Lakes; protection, maintenance, and restoration efforts:
  • Executive orders
  • F

  • Faith-based and neighborhood organizations; principles and policymaking criteria for partnerships:
  • G

  • Government agencies and employees
  • Agriculture, Department of; order of succession:
  • Construction projects; use of project labor agreements:
  • Contract employees
  • State, Department of
  • H

  • Haiti; ordering selected reserve and certain individual ready reserve members of the U.S. Armed Forces to active duty to assist in earthquake relief efforts:
  • Health care; biological weapons attack, medical countermeasures:
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities, White House Initiative on; establishment:
  • I

  • Iran
  • Blocking property of certain persons with respect to serious human rights abuses by the Government of Iran:
  • Implementation of certain sanctions set forth in the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996, as amended; authorization:
  • Iraq; Iraq Strategic Partnership Office, establishment:
  • K

  • Kosovo; International Organizations Immunities Act, provision extension:
  • L

  • Libya; blocking property and prohibiting certain transactions related:
  • N

  • North Korea
  • Blocking property of certain persons:
  • Prohibiting certain transactions:
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; enforcing and implementing restrictions on abortion:
  • Presidential Records Act; policies and procedures:
  • Regulatory planning and review; revocation of previous Executive orders:
  • Somalia; blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict:
  • Stem cells; removing research barriers:
  • Syria
  • Blocking property of certain persons with respect to human rights abuses:
  • Blocking property of senior officials of the Government of Syria:
  • Trade
  • Export Initiative, National; establishment:
  • Export Promotion Cabinet; establishment:
  • Transportation; text messaging while driving, Federal efforts to reduce:
  • Veterans; employment opportunities in the Federal Government, expansion:

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