Recommend (126)
Mar 29th 2011 2:36 GMT
There's always money for war. No money for poor infants who need food but always money for war. Or rather, there's even money for non-wars that we aren't actually fighting.
Recommend (92)
Mar 29th 2011 2:36 GMT
I find it funny how Americans can never win at the world stage. Either we are heavily criticized for going too far in our "meddling" or we are criticized for our "callous inaction".
It's the same story every time.
"Why is United States involved in Afghanistan?
Why are you not getting involved in Libya? Are you scared because of Afghanistan experiences?"
Then once we get involved in Libya, "Why are you taking leadership? Why are you not involved in X, Y, and Z?" Blah blah blah blah.
It never ends and the United States is doomed in your eyes to always be wrong. Despite this, it seems that your governments are the first to lay on their backs and take it once it's time to take real action.
Recommend (183)
Mar 29th 2011 3:01 GMT
There are a lot of comments about why Libya and not some other country and the easiest answer is, the logistics are different.
Libya is a nation that had risen up and has 6 million people, has a conventional army that can be destroyed from the air ( unlike Sudan's militia, you can't use cruise missiles on swords, it doesn't make sense) and also there was a pressing need and international support ( some exceptions).
Noble intentions have to be balanced by what is possible.
Recommend (128)
Mar 29th 2011 3:16 GMT
After being surprised by Anglo - French initiative Obama's Pentagon provided the sledgehammer for Libyan demolition job otherwise it will be carried out a ball peen size by the Anglo - French alliance,and all of this will bite back at Obama in 2012 also for both Sarkozy and David Cameron ( trying to deflect their mounting domestic woes ). If your citizens unhappy let's go make a war.
Recommend (88)
Mar 29th 2011 3:20 GMT
So I'm guessing that you think that Qaddafi started being a bigger jerk than usual just because Obama and his party did poorly in the general elections? The timing is about right, after all...
Do you really think that this was purely a political move designed to shore up Obama's position at home?
I agree that all of your causes (NPR, etc) deserve more funds, but I'm sorry to say that funding of NPR seems a wee bit unimportant when mass slaughter is imminent (even if it's "just in Libya" - my quotes for emphasis, not yours).
Give ME a break.
Recommend (107)
Mar 29th 2011 3:35 GMT
Shrinking of the president from his own man into the compliant house servant doing the bidding of his shadowy white overlords -- in contradiction of everything he's stood for in the past -- is more like it.
Recommend (86)
Mar 29th 2011 3:35 GMT
Unfortunately, America has been put into a very difficult position lately; damned if they do and damned if they don't. We fail to intervene and we are criticized for our failure to abide by our principles. We intervene and we're accused of being a warmongering state bent either on imposing an American ideology on other nations or robbing other countries of their natural resources.
To the other posters here complaining about the 'wasted' tax money that will go towards this intervention, just keep in mind that thousands (likely tens of thousands) of lives were saved in the nick of time when the coalition staged their first missile strikes right before Gaddafi attempted to invade Benghazi. I'd say that's worth the few hundred million dollars spent so far (which is a pittance when compared to the overall US federal budget, by the way). Of course, maintaining a no-fly zone over time will drive the costs up, but considering that we're spending our money towards defending our principles when it truly matters, I find that acceptable.
Recommend (108)
Mar 29th 2011 3:57 GMT
Yet another riveting, emotional, tear-rending defense of a completely illogical foreign policy.
President Obama's bombing of Libya has now made any American attempt to dissuade countries from developing indigenous nuclear programs impossible. In fact, the North Koreans were quick to point out that Libya's dismantling of its nuclear program was a "prelude to invasion." Who can blame them?
Libya's cooperation with America on counterterrorism has also been rewarded with American bombs. Libya has been fighting al Qaeda affiliates since at least Qaddafi's attempted assasination in 1996, and the second largest contingent in Iraq of foreign fighters came predominantly from our "allies" in Benghazi.
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