Posted by: nottheonlyone |
Can you please re-upload the image as a PDF or in a less compressed format? It is illegible as it is.
Posted by: Adam Old |
Could be wrong here, but I think the Autobon was the model for interstate travel and some bad dude :{ was the father of interstate travel.
Posted by: Mike |
Is there a table or press release with a detailed list of what the projects actually are?
Posted by: Kevin C |
Why did Pennsylvania receive such little money??? Sixth largest state and only 26 million out of 8 billion??
Posted by: Dan |
To Ray LaHood. Dear sir, We have a developed overhead-suspended Monorail System,which also switches into stations and to alternate roots. Unitran Monorail is the most fesible systems which will be 90% prefabricated.The system will be installed in a shorter time period,and lesser cost, then any other system.The car and the guide ways are all built of Carbon Fiber Composites. Unitran runs on linear induction,totally pollution free.On top of the guideway we will run continuous solar panels to create power to the grid. We will build down major right of ways. In most cases we will not have to buy or clear land.We have had succesful meetings with Congressman Dean Heller and Governor Jim Gibbons office here in Nevada. I would like to further present our Monorail System to you and the President. Waiting to hear from you.Sincerely, Larry R.Cripe/President-CEO Unitran Monorail Inc.Gardnerville,Nevada
Posted by: Larry R.Cripe CEO Unitran Monorail Inc. |
HIgh speed rail is most defnitely a good investment. depending on the way the trains will be propelled, the building of these trains and tracks can also be viewed as a form of demand for alternative energy, for example electricity produced with non poluting methods such as solar power, wind power, and combinations of energy.
The trains may, some day, replace short haul airplanes, and as a result cerate an enivronmental improvement.
Posted by: Thomas Erdmann |
This is history. Now, it is time to go about the work of getting the highway/transit funding ratio inverted. As you said,"cars are the least efficient method of travel we have". So, let's put the dollars to better use. Thanks for all your hard work on this!
Posted by: Damian |
I like what you are saying, but I'll believe it when I see it. You are a Republican after all...
Posted by: Sam Goater |
I am very excited about high speed trains. Also, I love trains!
Posted by: ROPED |
As much as i like the idea of walking onto a train and wooshing at 300mph to my destination, i belive that this project is a complete waste of money. This is not a major cross country expanse that will get me from NY to LA in a few hours, it simply connects me to the nearest city at a wopping $8,000,000,000 price tag. I can drive from Cleveland to Columbus in 2 hours, but in the future I can drive to the terminal, wait for the train, travel to columbus, unload, wait for my luggage, find a taxi, and finally get to my destination. That will take more time than if i just drive to there now. what is it saving? I can do that today and save a ton of money. What are you guys thinking? How many people at the terminals are needed to run this. I wanted to ride Amtrack from Toledo to Fort Meyers, FL. The cost of this trip for a family of 4: $1700; the cost of flying: $900; the cost of driving: $250. Why would i pay 6 times as much and spend 16 hours MORE to ride a train than drive only having to rent a car at my destination to get around. This makes no sense. The government has gotten way out of hand and this needless spending needs to come to an end.
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