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时间:2011-10-18 07:37来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Again, it really is simple math that will dictate these changes, but our political leaders fear change so much that they cannot wrap their minds around this. The vast majority of our elected official

Again, it really is simple math that will dictate these changes, but our political leaders fear change so much that they cannot wrap their minds around this. The vast majority of our elected officials believe that our current preference for driving petroleum based private motor vehicles will never change. They have already forgotten the sharp rise in fuel prices in 2008. The norm of continuing to build new roads and expand old ones is well accepted and anyone who opposes such a strategy is ostracized and considered some kind of radical. Of course, the "radicals" are more correct today than they have been in years, but continue to be ostracized for being ultra liberals and out of touch with reality. Ironically, it is our critics who are out of touch with reality but are too blind to see it.

Posted by: Harry Dale |

Someone should work to build a line out of Detroit, that doesn't connect only to Chicago. Greyhound runs Detroit to Ohio, but only via Chicago first. I guess what we're actually proposing here, with this map, is an upgrade of Greyhounds systems?

People want to get out of Detroit. And they don't want to go to Chicago to do it.

Posted by: Eric |

I'm curious about the parallel routes from NYC to Montreal and Hartford CT to Burlington. Why not make the east-west Boston to Albany route a higher priority than Hartford to Burlington? It would serve more people, I think. Better yet, Boston to Chicago?

Posted by: JJM PE |

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