.... does this reflect their strength and weaknesses?
I think if –Michigan and Florida are not properly handled they spell doom for Obama especially if she could insinuate that he is behind their non-vote count But she is right to repent-first maybe because of her advantage(would she have done the same if the odds were not in her favour?)专科
Obama wants votes November – and for now they are Clinton’s by a larger percentage and can be worse if she insinuates and draw out an argument with Obama -- hence his only option is to use ‘sweet’ words to both Clinton and Michigan and this is a good test if he will make a good president or not before he faces Iran there is Michigan and Florida! if she exits cordially Obama stands chance if she exist unkindly then McClain gets most of their votes
McClain once she wins the nomination then there you are with the trouble you can’t criticize a woman and not offend the woman rights after if you exceed a certain extent it becomes human/woman rights and once she stands for Michigan and Florida successful then Mclain may lose there for sure and many other state
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