If these American “analysts” and “journalists” of the Middle East, or Americans cynical to the Obama address, had America’s and the Middle East’s best interests in mind, they wouldn’t post these things publicly. I’ve believed in being blunt and that saying what is on your mind is “right” and “individualist”, but I’ve been told otherwise. Of course I was sometimes critical of the way some parts were addressed and some things he neglected (and I chuckled when he stuttered), but to denounce the speech for personal interests (money, fame, publishing) is so selfish and unpatriotic. And even if their criticisms are genuine, they should think twice about posting these things. Granted, many of the “analysts” and “journalists” criticisms had not much to do with taking sides than it was to undermine the validity of the address. To pave the way of destruction for something meant to pave the way for peace is, well (I’m actually pausing for half a minute to think of the perfect adjective), retarded.
So right now, I actually don’t think censorship is such a horrible idea. Have I been in China for too long?
Now, on a final note… how was I, at one point, ever doubtful of Obama? He’s an international peace genius!对不起,您的文章发表失败。文章内容包含不合适内容,请检查。
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