Global media reaction
●It was just as much a strikingly symbolic moment in the evolution of the nation's fraught racial history, a breakthrough that seemed unthinkable just two years ago.
-- New York Times
“在美国寻求种族平等的曲折历史中,这是一次具有象征性的举世瞩目的胜利。这种突破在两年前是不可想像的”。 ——《纽约时报》
●The historic Election Day brought millions of new and sometimes tearful voters, long lines at polling places nationwide, and celebrations on street corners and in front of the White House.
-- Washington Post
●Obama has done it. Amid global expectation, Americans have accepted the challenge of change proposed by the Democratic candidate. -- El Pais, Spain
●Cheering on all continents: hula dances in Germany, frenzied joy in Japan, India and Africa -- and in Kenya, the home of Obama's father, the 6th November was even made a holiday! The world celebrates the new U.S. president Barack Obama.
-- Bild, Germany
●Barack Obama, 47, is now revealed as the 44th president of the United States, and November 4 2008 as a landmark in the history of the country. -- Le Monde, France
●Victory in the end came as easily as the polls had predicted. -- The Guardian, UK
●End of a subprime era. -- The Asia Times
●Eight years of hell are over. -- Pravda, Russia
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