Additional complementary steps as part of AMP will include: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency exploration of new approaches that have potential to dramatically reduce by up to a factor of 5 t
Additional complementary steps as part of AMP will include:
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency exploration of new approaches that have potential to dramatically reduce – by up to a factor of 5 – the time required to design, build, and test manufactured goods while enabling entrepreneurs to meet Defense Department needs.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, University of California-Berkeley, and University of Michigan commitment to form a multi-university collaborative framework for sharing of educational materials and best practices relating to advanced manufacturing and its linkage to innovation. The universities will also join together with industry partners and leading government agencies to define research opportunities and build a collaborative roadmap for identify key technology priorities.
Commerce Department development of an advanced manufacturing technology consortium, starting with $12 million in FY12, to identify public private partnerships to tackle common technological barriers to the development of new products.
Proctor & Gamble announcement that it will make available advanced software at no cost to American small and mid-sized manufacturers through the recently launched Midwest Modeling and Simulation consortium. This is a highly valuable digital design tool usually unavailable to smaller firms.
Department of Energy launch of an initiative with the Ford Motor Company and the National Association of Manufacturers to make use of the Department’s National Training & Education Resource to educate and train a new generation of manufacturers.
Defense Department investments, funded at $24 million in FY11, in domestic manufacturing technology that address urgent operational needs including improvements for transparent armor, stealth technology, and targeting systems. The Department is also developing an online marketplace to increase domestic manufacturing capacity in industries critical to our national security by connecting U.S. manufacturers with product needs at the Department and other federal agencies.
Blog posts on this issue
December 13, 2011 7:37 PM EST
Startup America Policy Challenge: Clean Energy
The Startup America Policy Challenge is looking to tap into our greatest resource – the American people – for ideas on how we can accelerate innovation in energy and position the United States to lead in this critical sector.
December 13, 2011 9:24 AM EST
AMPing Up Manufacturing in America
Yesterday, President Obama strengthened his commitment to revitalizing manufacturing in the United States by naming Commerce Secretary John Bryson co-chair of the White House Office of Manufacturing Policy with National Economic Council Chair Gene Sperling.
December 13, 2011 8:04 AM EST
Got Startup Experience? Help Enhance the Pathways for Immigrant Entrepreneurs
It’s no secret that immigrant entrepreneurs make a major contribution to American economic growth and job creation. It’s also no secret that we can do more to attract and retain the best and brightest seeking to come here and start new companies. That’s why President Obama supports legislation to create a visa designed for startup founders, as part of a 21st century immigration system.
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