Comments (129)
NewsDebbie wrote:
So when Islamic business claim religious freedom and institute Sharia Law within their business I do not want to hear the GOP blame Obama!
Feb 09, 2012 9:06pm EST --
speaker12 wrote:
I thought Biden was a Catholic. Oh well, he works for Obama.
Feb 09, 2012 9:11pm EST --
PaulDonelson wrote:
Even though we may be against abortion, I believe that it is important for us to understand the concept of justice. A rich person who can afford to live without health insurance can also afford to get as many abortions as she wants, even if it is illegal where they happen to live. All they have to do is hop on a jet and fly to wherever it is legal — and safe. On the other hand, the average person who has to have insurance to pay for their medical problems doesn’t have this luxury. And where they work shouldn’t make any difference in what their health insurance should cover. If it does make a difference, then it becomes a matter of justice. And that matter of justice becomes even more acute when the person is poor. Instead of picking on the average and poor person when it comes to their insurance coverage, I wonder what the RC bishops are doing to keep rich people from getting abortions.
Feb 09, 2012 9:15pm EST --
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