Featured Series
Student Mathematical Library Series
The books presented in this series serve as pivotal stepping stones in a student’s journey from mathematical coursework to research. Beneficial to beginning and advanced mathematicians alike.
The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs by Anthony Bonato et al.
Introduction to Representation Theory by Pavel Etingof et al.
Random Walk and the Heat Equation by Gregory F. Lawler
Featured Series
The books presented in this series serve as pivotal stepping stones in a student’s journey from mathematical coursework to research. Beneficial to beginning and advanced mathematicians alike.
The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs by Anthony Bonato et al.
Introduction to Representation Theory by Pavel Etingof et al.
Random Walk and the Heat Equation by Gregory F. Lawler
Featured Series
The books presented in this series serve as pivotal stepping stones in a student’s journey from mathematical coursework to research. Beneficial to beginning and advanced mathematicians alike.
The Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs by Anthony Bonato et al.
Introduction to Representation Theory by Pavel Etingof et al.
Random Walk and the Heat Equation by Gregory F. Lawler
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