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Event: 2012 Presidential Election Winner (Individual)
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Step: 1. Buy or Sell > 2. Select Price > 3. Review & Confirm
1. Choose to buy or sell shares in this marketTip: Buy if you think it's going to happen, sell if you don't!
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Tip: Yes, you can sell shares you don't own!
Step: 1. Buy or Sell > 2. Select Price > 3. Review & Confirm
2. Choose the price and number of shares toTip: more shares based on how likely you think the event is of occurring
Tip: Compare your price to the prices offered on the right > >
per share
Min Price: $0.00 / share
Max Price: $10.00 / share
Total Cost: @ =
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Step: 1. Buy or Sell > 2. Select Price > 3. Review & Confirm
3. Review your predictionTip: Figures below assume you do not already have a prediction in this market
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Max profit: Max profit if your prediction is correct
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Step: 1. Buy or Sell > 2. Select Price > 3. Review & Confirm > Result
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Currency: USD
Market state: Open
Market linked for margining: Yes Margin is calculated for whole event
Contract type: 0-100
Margin SpecsMin price: $0.00 / share ≈ 0.0%
Max price: $10.00 / share ≈ 100.0%
Current SessionOpen interest: 130,207 shares Sum of all long positions - calculated daily at market close
Previous close price: $5.91 / share ≈ 59.1%
Open price: $5.90 / share ≈ 59.0%
Session low: $5.77 / share ≈ 57.7% Today's lowest price
Session high: $5.94 / share ≈ 59.4% Today's highest price
Today's volume: 2,586 shares
Last trade time: 10:07 PM, GMT
LifeLife low: $4.51 / share ≈ 45.1%
Life high: $6.99 / share ≈ 69.9%
Total volume: 242,267 shares
Before entering any orders to trade this contract please ensure you read have and understood this DISCLAIMER.
This market will settle at $10.00 if the named individual is elected President of the United States in 2012.
This market will settle at $0.00 if the named individual is not elected President of the United States in 2012.
Settlement will be based on the outcome of the 2012 United States Presidential election, as reported by three independent and reliable media sources. If there is any uncertainty over the outcome, or any delays in confirming the outcome, Intrade reserves the right to wait for further information before settling this market. All markets will remain open until until the result is known (in case there is a change in party nominee or something unforseen happens).
In the event of the death of one of the candidates the following steps may be taken at the discretion of Intrade:
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