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时间:2012-06-16 02:59来源: 作者:admin 点击:
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Obama to China

浏览:5 | 发布于:2010.02.23 | 分类:默认分类


----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Mon, November 16, 2009 8:18:28 PM
Subject: Oba to China

Obama to China: Uncensored society is healthy

11.16. 2009

BEIJING – President Barack Obama pointedly nudged China on Monday to stop censoring Internet access (Obama, could you censore the Internet, so the PHT animal is not able to use the internet to beat the people up with PHT.) , offering an animated defense of the tool that helped him win the White House and suggesting Beijing need not fear (Do you have fear for your PHT controllers?)a little criticism.

The president's message during a town hall-style meeting with university students in Shanghai, China's commercial hub, focused on one of the trickiest issues separating China's communist government and the United States — human rights (Ha, do you really know human rights with the way you are violating my privacy, my health, and killing my brains with PHT? You violate everyone's human right to butt.).

It was a delicately balanced message and Obama couched his admonitions with words calling for cooperation, heavy with praise and American humility. (You are the couch potato of humility.)

"I think that the more freely information flows (How about publicize PHT, so the people knows what is happening with PHT cruelity?), the stronger the society becomes (We the PHT slaves are waking up and are educating each other. Remember that water carries the boat, and can overturn the boat.), because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable (We are holding you accountable and the rest of the generaions will hold you accountable for you being a PHT murder of the PHT liberating )," Obama told students during his first-ever trip to China. "They can begin to think for themselves." (Start to thinking for the rest of your life. Are you really going to turn America back to a slave country and turn yourself to the first black American president who returns himself to a slave. Are you still living in the slave time like your black ancestors?)

The first-term U.S. president then flew to Beijing where Obama quickly drove to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse for Obama's third meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao. Trade, climate change and economic issues (Did you Obama receive the ZiWei Four Yi arrow (?) were expected to dominate. The two leaders had dinner in the government complex and were scheduled to meet again Tuesday.

In brief remarks before their initial talks, Hu noted Obama's meeting with students, calling the session "quite lively." (What did Hu say about PHT?)

Obama smiled broadly (Who will have the final laugh?--People.), throughout the Chinese leaders welcoming remarks, then told Hu that "the world recognizes the importance of the U.S.-Chinese relationship" in tackling global problems.

Obama's message, aside from his proddings on human rights, was clear: few global challenges can be solved unless the world's only superpower and its rising competitor (Who is the PHT superpower and who are the rising PHT competitor? Obama just answered America has not PHT competitors. ?! ) work together. He and his advisers have insisted in virtually all public utterances since he arrived in Japan on Friday: "We do not seek to contain China's rise." (You are seeking help to contain the PHT slaves on this trip, aren't you?)

Talk at dinner involved the respective histories of the two countries, (What do you know about the PHT histories of China and America?) and both Hu and Obama outlined the economic challenges his country is confronting. (When do you think the enconomy is going to fall to its bottom? What can you complish within your first term and use those complishments to gain the second term? What can you complish within your eight years/two terms, so you can help next Demacrat president to continue you best policies?) The pair also swapped ideas about the significance education plays in the advancement of their people.

During Obama's opening statement to university students in Shanghai, he spoke bluntly about the benefits of individual freedoms (Does it include beating each other to death with PHT without justice? Obama responed, "I am your Big Brother, I can beat you up anytime." Ha, from people.) in a country known for limiting them.

"We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation, (Except the PHT slavery system, right? Obama)" Obama said. Then he added that freedom of expression and worship, unfettered access to information and unrestricted political participation are not unique to the United States; instead, he called them "universal rights." (It is the people's right to have access to PHT information, and education, and unrestricted political participation on PHT--the universal rights.)

The line offered echoes of Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, who often talked of the "universality of freedom." Obama talked at length about the Internet, which he said helped him win the presidency because it allowed for the mobilization of young people like those in his audience in Shanghai. (Obama, did George Bush know I went to his door step and know the reason that I was there? When did you hear about me?")

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