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时间:2012-06-16 02:59来源: 作者:admin 点击:
U.S. ambassador Jon Huntsman called Obama's event the first ever town-hall meeting (Was there a brain meeting going on besides a verbalized one?) held by a U.S. president in China. Yet former preside

U.S. ambassador Jon Huntsman called Obama's event the first ever town-hall meeting (Was there a brain meeting going on besides a verbalized one?) held by a U.S. president in China. Yet former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also spoke to students and took questions from them during stops in China. (Did those two have brain meeting with people in China?)

China is a huge and lucrative market for American goods and services, and yet it has a giant trade surplus with the U.S. that, like a raft of other economic issues, is a bone of contention between the two governments. The two militaries have increased their contacts, but clashes still happen and the United States remains worried about a dramatic buildup in what is already the largest standing army in the world. (Hu and Obama, Are those two militaries PHT militaries yet? Are they protecting people or the PHT slave owners? Have the soldiers become PHT slaves yet?)

Amid all that, Obama has adopted a pragmatic approach that stresses the positive, sometimes earning him criticism for being too soft on Beijing (Don't worry Obama, we understand your position. You are soft because you want Hu to make China a PHT slave country. It is a good strategy to caress a big country's leader into slavery.) — particularly in the area of human rights abuses (Since Chinese has learned about equality in people for decades, you need to work hard to teach the Chinese PHT leaders how to abuse people with PHT mentally, emotionally, and physically. Chineses are far beyond Americans because I have found out how less they are aware of the PHT manipulating tatics. Once you bring that tactics to their awareness, they will improve very fast. Am I a good advisor? ): and what the United States regards as an undervalued Chinese currency (Chinese currency might be worthless because they have lost and contaminated most of their land. .)that disadvantages U.S. products.

The two nations are working together more than ever on battling global warming (Is that blog with global warming words in back ground has anything to do with me? Who set up that blog? Was that picture a real person? Why that blog's owner has the same birthday as mine? Why does the blog owner's name is Cynthia Claudia, my clinical training side's supervisor's name? Cynthia Claudia is for sure a very dark PHT animal who is a black American working at UCSF. Was a conincidence that the China's first Olympic torch came to San Francisco on my birthday in 2008? You know what I am talking about right? Hu and Obama. Great, Obama is asking whether we can turn the clock back to earase the Olypic torch day of San Francisco.), but they still differ deeply over hard targets for reductions in the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause it. (I heard through PHT that PHT could hear up the earth to cause Earth quakes. I guess if the Earth heats up, then every thing milts.) China has supported sterner sanctions to halt North Korea's nuclear weapons program, but it still balks at getting more aggressive about reining in Iran's uranium enrichment.

Obama recognizes that a rising China, as the world's third-largest economy — on its way to becoming the second — and the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt (It is stupid. Do you think as a slave country you can get your money back, Hu?), has shifted the dynamic more toward one of equals. For instance, Chinese questions about how Washington spending policies will affect the already soaring U.S. deficit and the safety of Chinese investments now must be answered by Washington.

The White House hoped Monday's town hall meeting with Chinese university students would allow Obama to telegraph U.S. values — through its successes and failures — to the widest Chinese audience possible.

But those hopes had their limits in communist-ruled China. (The communist-ruled China did proved me a firm value--that is people are equal and no way I will become a PHT slave. Learn what the China's national anthem is saying and the international anthem () is saying.)

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