How does Michelle compare with others?
successes. And, unlike Michelle Obama’s case, what Diana wore never had any political significance...How does Michelle compare with others? BY KYLIE WALKER SO, just how does Michelle Obama compare ……
[阅读数:866] - 2009年02月04日 - 发现类似文章
Think of something larger than yourself
Think of something larger than yourself 21ST ALTHOUGH President Obama's visit to China has its fair share of political significance, to young Chinese, the highlight was the Town Hall-style meeting ……
[阅读数:694] - 2009年11月18日 - 发现类似文章
Significance of Obama's visit
Significance of Obama's visit 你想和奥巴马侃什么? 21ST US President Barack Obama greets Chinese students in a town hall-style meeting in Shanghai on November 16. REUTERSS President Barack Obama made his first ……
[阅读数:947] - 2009年11月18日 - 发现类似文章
What gifts tell us
the historical significance of the occasion. Whereas Obama acted like a typical American and gave Brown an... Brown recently visited American President Barack Obama in Washington. The two leaders exchanged gifts ……
[阅读数:926] - 2009年03月16日 - 发现类似文章
Popping up to stir memories
that their poppies meant a great deal to them and they would wear them all the same.So what’s the significance... Obama famously gave a gift of an iPod to Britain’s queenCa stuffy individual with no interest ……
[阅读数:21] - 2021年11月17日 - 发现类似文章
Tweeting for the history books
referring to obvious tweets of historic significance, like Barack Obama’s first tweet after winning ……
[阅读数:15] - 2021年05月12日 - 发现类似文章
It's a major decision
It's a major decision 21ST BELIEVE it or not, the color of the tie Barack Obama wears... in Obama’s inaugural tie might seem strange but many people believe his choice will symbolize the type ……
[阅读数:1137] - 2009年01月14日 - 发现类似文章
She embodies the American notion of wife
forming an opinion about First Lady Michelle Obama, mostly because there are already so many opinions...) Then there are the unending efforts to impose *iconographic significance on every *molecule of her being. Exhibit ……
[阅读数:4962] - 2009年04月08日 - 发现类似文章
France rejoins NATO
President Obama, who will attend the celebrations, said he welcomed Sarkozy''s decision to bring France back... beaches, to mark the historic significance of French-US ties. Many domestic politicians (国内政要) have ……
[阅读数:703] - 2009年03月30日 - 发现类似文章
Numbers we fear and dread
Numbers we fear and dread KYLIE WALKER, 21ST CENTURY STA A FAILED plot to kill Barack Obama... finally assassinating Obama, the country’s first black presidential nominee. The number “88” is equated ……
[阅读数:903] - 2021年11月05日 - 发现类似文章
Anyone want a scoop of Barack Obama-inspired ice cream?
Anyone want a scoop of Barack Obama-inspired ice cream? 21ST MAO Zedong, Che Guevara and Barack Obama might have more in common than you thought. Mao's face is known all over the world, thanks ……
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