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时间:2012-07-16 06:27来源: 作者:admin 点击:

BARACK OBAMA Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th president of the United States, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, native of Kenya. Obama is the first with black blood, and his childhood growing up in Asia, U.S. President This is an ordinary black president Carl W Hart This book help us understand the extraordinary story of Obama and Obama behind American culture, African culture, Asian culture The book is divided into four parts about Obama. Childhood, youth, middle age and into the political arena Barack Obama, August 4, 1961 Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, his father was a native of Kenya's black Muslim and his mother was American of Kansas. Obama's childhood in Honolulu and spent with his mother and grandparents. Mother Ann and Obama's father ending a marriage . Soon after, she meets the University of Hawaii to study in another foreign students he came from Indonesia. Obama in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather live 4 years. In fact, his early philosophy of life and manners were of the road to a large extent is affected by the stepfather formed. So his way of thinking and the United States closer to Whites or Asians. In short, although experienced parents divorced, but his childhood was very good and happiness When he was in a difficult time the most important person not his parents, but is his grandfather Stanley Emerson Dunham grandmother Stanley An Dunham .Two old help “bad boy” back on the right! In 1983, Obama graduated from Columbia University In 1985, he was working in Chicago, hosted a non-profit plan In 1991, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, Received a "very excellent " Doctor of Law degree , also the first editor of the Harvard Law Review as the African-American. Back in Chicago, Obama hosted a voter registration campaign, and for the civil rights law firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland work. 1993~~2005, Obama has been working at the University of Chicago Law School lecturer Constitution. In 1992, he married with Michelle La Vaughn Obama. And later formed a perfect family . In 1995,obama become a senator of Illinois by Chicago parliament ,and do this job for 3years. July 2004, the U.S. Democratic National Convention, Obama has been designated to do the "keynote speech " for next day. In the same year in November, Obama was elected with 70% of the vote, become fifth African-American Senator in America history. February 10, 2007, Obama Springfield, Illinois announced in 2008 U.S. president election. January 4, 2008, Obama won 38% of the vote, ahead of well-known than his own, John Edwards and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate in the lead of you. June 3, 2008, Obama votes ahead of Hillary Clinton, was designated as the Democratic president candidate; the same year on August 23, at the Democratic National Convention Barack Obama was formally nominated to become a U.S. history first African American president election candidates . November 5, 2008, Barack Obama defeated Republican candidate John McCain formally elected as the forty-fourth president of the United States. Learn from this book We saw Obama's successful ,he also like everybody, he also has enjoy and frustration .This is a real Obama ,he is paid a lot of effort and sweat return success . Everyone is equal, only themselves to try to find opportunities, be sure you can have a bright future . THANK YOU * Obama youth because of his multi-ethnic background, it is difficult to achieve social recognition.Teens, he becames a drug addict, he and any black youth as a hopeless, he don’t know what is the meaning of life. Family is poor, color is to be laughed at, the future is hopeless. He had some crazy days, such as truancy, smoking, fighting, he became a "bad boy" .

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