That Obama's White House would stage the killing of a man who died 26 December 2001, is...well...WEIRD! Now the ENTIRE presidential staff; including Secretary of Defense Dr. Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs-of- Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the rest...ALL involved in a completely FABRICATED Situation Room photo-op! Not only did they NOT kill Osama bin Laden (who died years ago), and throwing someone's CIA-murdered body into the Persian Gulf as they claim; they proceeded then to stage a Situation Room photo-op!... knowing NO VIDEO WAS TURNED ON during the alleged raid. This is completely confirmed by Director of Central Intelligence: Leon Panetta who stated no video was turned on during the so-called raid. 本科
Actually these people in the Obama-directed White House Situation Room, their criminal activities notwithstanding, should apply for jobs in Hollywood...Obama directing of course. (This would have to be subsequent to their prosecutions and fulfilling their sentences.)
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