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Obama's Likely Running Mate, New Attack Ads Top Campaign New(4)

时间:2011-07-06 04:01来源: 作者:admin 点击:
In addition to that, the biography of Obama must get out. I mean, this is somebody, Jim, who really does have a log cabin background. You could say that Al Gore was the son of a senator, grew up in a

In addition to that, the biography of Obama must get out. I mean, this is somebody, Jim, who really does have a log cabin background. You could say that Al Gore was the son of a senator, grew up in a hotel in Washington. John Forbes Kerry was born to, you know, comfort and pedigree.

Barack Obama is somebody who did it all on his own bootstraps. I think that has to be communicated.

And, third, I would say, finally, that he has to communicate a sense of he understands what people are going through right now, and that he is angry about it, and these are the three things he will do.

David Brooks

David Brooks
The New York Times

The people in the upper middle class are perpetually thinking people in the middle class are really angry at people in the super upper class. They're not. And they don't mind richness.

Candidates trade jabs in ads
JIM LEHRER: And that is a great cue for some tape I'm now going to introduce about some twinning attack ads that came out this week.

On Wednesday, John McCain was unable to answer, everybody knows, was unable to answer a reporter's question about how many houses he owns. And the Obama campaign seized that opportunity to make McCain seem out of touch.

SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D), Illinois: I'm Barack Obama, and I approve this message.

TV COMMERCIAL NARRATOR: Maybe you're struggling just to pay the mortgage on your home. But recently, John McCain said the fundamentals of our economy are strong. Hmm.

Then again, that same day, when asked how many houses he owns, McCain lost track. He couldn't remember. Well, it's seven. Seven houses. And here's one house America can't afford to let John McCain move into.

JIM LEHRER: And that drew a quick response ad, the McCain campaign criticizing Obama for his association with a convicted Chicago businessman.

TV COMMERCIAL NARRATOR: Barack Obama knows a lot about housing problems. One of his biggest fundraisers helped him buy his million-dollar mansion, purchasing part of the property he couldn't afford. From Obama, Rezko got political favors, including $14 million from taxpayers. Now he's a convicted felon, facing jail. That's a housing problem.

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), Arizona: I'm John McCain, and I approve this message.

JIM LEHRER: Now, what do you make of that, David, that exchange?

DAVID BROOKS: I think they're both ineffective, frankly.


DAVID BROOKS: I don't think people think John McCain is a decadent, rich guy. And I don't think they mind that he has seven million houses. We have had many presidents and many presidential candidates...

JIM LEHRER: He doesn't have seven million. He has just seven.

DAVID BROOKS: Seven houses. We haven't gone through Cindy's whole collection.

It would -- the housing price is high if he had seven million. It would be a good idea.

JIM LEHRER: That's called a slip of the tongue. Go ahead.

DAVID BROOKS: But the point is that we've elected plenty of rich guys to the White House, and some have been good and some have been bad. The people in the upper middle class are perpetually thinking people in the middle class are really angry at people in the super upper class. They're not. And they don't mind richness. And I don't think they're going to think John McCain is a rich, decadent guy.

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