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Michelle Obama Shock Tape: God Damn You American Whitey(3)

时间:2011-07-23 06:24来源: 作者:admin 点击:
The last 2/3 of Hilz speech was like the statesperson I thought she was. Why did that persona go hiding? Why did Bill become WC Fields? All that morphing is scary stuff. Penn should call up JImmyCart

The last 2/3 of Hilz speech was like the statesperson I thought she was. Why did that persona go hiding? Why did Bill become WC Fields? All that morphing is scary stuff. Penn should call up JImmyCarter to see if some spots at Habitat are open or go work in an inner city school. You can’t govern without knowing people. Hilz wanted my support, as if when I gave it she’d give me something in return, quid pro quo. Like a business deal. With a limited message what came across was wanting to win by divine right. O has engaged my conscience to participate in social action. Last time I heard that was a relevant way of doing democracy.

There’s funny. There’s stupid. That wasn’t funny.

I guess we have to give Wonkette a pass given the drunken delirium that they — and I hope everyone else here — is experiencing after Hillary’s “gracious” armistice declaration. But otherwise, this was just lazy.

[re=10483]Inadequate Blackmail[/re]: You obviously are not a member of the oppressed White race, and so you do not understand how the “W” word reminds us of our oppression and the pain it causes. Why, do you know that just 40 years ago, it wasn’t unusual for Whites to have to use different restrooms, water fountains and to ride in the front of the bus?

Thank God patriotic Conservative white men like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly (who is still waiting for evidence so he can lynch Michelle Obama) are willing to stand up for those of us who have suffered by being made to be less of a person as soon as the “W” word is thrown around.

Was the leaping bartender Obam?

As painful as Rick is, I think the political equivalent should be “Hillary for U an Me”

“Whitey” is totally acceptable to everyone. I haven’t seen any news of Hill having missspoke(d) yesterday, so I think this is a good sign.

I sent this video to every hillary supporter and staffer I knew. None were happy, but I think one sent it higher up the food chain.

That decade was painful enough the first time! For those too young, you don’t want to go there.


[re=10479]Magsbe[/re]: [re=10484]Barrett808[/re]:

I have a confession, y’all. This was the first time in my adult life I’d ever been Rickrolled. Completely true. I knew what the phenomenon was, but I’d never experienced it.

…and I do think that chorus is super-catchy…

[re=10428]Lascauxcaveman[/re]: Geez, stuffwhitepeoplelike.com was right.

1. Do truly luvs the video’s background of the broken, purple varicose veins of Hiltard bitterette Nazi-fembots. “Never give up, never give in, bite me.”
2. Roget’s Thesaurus (Street Parlance Edition) says the term “whitey” includes “mulatto”. Therefore, no harm, no foul, no weary tears?
3. The photo looks like Condi with a double strand of democrat (small “d”) molars, given our gap-tooth, antiquarian Soviet expert by the Archduke of Saudi Arabiastan, her next employer.

A song, a dance, a smile.
— Sluggo


Rick Astley: 1
Whitey: 0

Ok, now I’m just really confused. Her anti-white vitriolic screed still managed to confine the jolly gay dancing black dude to BEHIND the bar. What does this mean? Is Michelle Obama both a racist AND a racist, or is she merely a racist who also hates jazz hands?

Is that Ekhart Tolle’s previous career?

epic lulz!!!!!!

[re=10596]S.Luggo[/re]: So, your saying that it is possible that Michelle was using a term of affection for her Husband? “He might be a Whitey, but I love him,” kind of thing?


ah, you must be in beddy-bye land now… Wash. State good… ferries good… hum, …. ah Vancouver, better, and San Juan Islands, OOOO better–

[re=10628]Lionel Hutz Esq.[/re]:

Sorry, Michelle, but in the Old South, Obama wouldn’t even count for a “high” or “quadroon” — white grandmother notwithstanding — and you can thank the Confederates! who are Definitely from Brits … who else would quantify, in measurable quarters or sixteenths or whatever, what your ancestry is/was??!! Who would f***king care but the damn Brits??!!

Disclaimer: Belately to the US, I am 2/3 Irish, 1/3 English…. sigh, … still I find herself rising up w/a “BRITS OUT!!!” cry on occasion…. sorry.

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